The Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme (TFSP) is a five year support programme which will be run between 1st July 2014 and 30th June 2019, and will build on the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)-funded Institutional Strengthening Project (ISP) that ran between 2012-2013. One of the key outputs of the TFSP is the construction of a new Fisheries Department building, including the development of operational structures such as document storage, data management and other systems. The building and systems, along with a Human Resource Development (HRD) plan are seen as necessary steps in improving operational effectiveness, synergies and morale leading to the third long-term outcome noted above of an effective Fisheries Department. The estimated cost of the new Fisheries building is around NZD 3,145,000. The building will accommodate the entire staff and will include all the facilities expected of a modern workplace. It is anticipated this will significantly boost morale and improve work performance and productivity.
The works
The project will demolish a total of 7 buildings currently located on the Fisheries and Agriculture compound. This includes 4 buildings on the ocean side and 3 on the lagoon side of the road. Testing showed that there is no asbestos present. The Public Works Department (PWD) manages building waste recycling in Tuvalu and is likely to be responsible for the re-use of any useful materials derived from the old buildings.
The three buildings removed on the lagoon side of the road will make way for the construction of a new 2-storey building able to provide working spaces for 45 staff. The new building will either incorporate a large cistern for water storage and to add to emergency supplies for the island, or a bank of around 6 large plastic water tanks to service the building needs.