The Tuvalu Fisheries Department detained the purse seine fishing vessel name Micronesia 101 due to the violation of section 63 of the Tuvalu Marine Resources Act 2006 (and the Marine Resources (Amendment) Act 2017). One of the FV Micronesia 101 crew dumped broken winch cable into the lagoon while transhipment in the Funafuti port.
The monitoring observer of the fishing vessel reported the incident to the Tuvalu fisheries department. The incident occurred on the 10th of September 2018 at 10:45 am.
The fisheries department issued the company of the FV Micronesia 101 with the Notice of Violation and the Agreement Fine Settlement Agreement. The company agreed to pay the specified fine of $50 000 by the 26th September 2018 as provided under the Agreement Fine Settlement Agreement.
Section 63 of the Marine Resources Act and as amended by the section 35 of the Marine Resources (Amendment) Act 2017 now provides a maximum fine of $2 000 000 for any violation of this offence.
The Oceanic staffs of the fisheries department, as part of their duties always reminded the vessel captain of the requirements of transhipment laws of Tuvalu and the captains of each vessel that undertake transhipment in Tuvalu are reminded to follow the Marine Resources Act and any other relevant laws.
“Cooperation is needed from the public, to report any of these sorts of incidence to the Fisheries department office. The Fisheries Department will enforce the Marine Resources Act, and companies of any foreign fishing vessel transhipment in Tuvalu are also kindly reminded to inform their vessels to follow and respect the laws of Tuvalu,” an officer of the Fisheries Department said.