Launch of Coastal Fisheries Management Plans for Tuvalu’s Outer Islands: A United Step Forward

Today marks a significant milestone for Tuvalu’s Outer Islands with the official launch of the Coastal Fisheries Management Plans (CFMPs) for Nanumea, Nanumaga, Niutao, Nui, Vaitupu, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae, and Niulakita. This important event took place at the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) conference room from 12 to 1 PM.

The CFMPs, which were recently endorsed by the Cabinet on 15 August 2024, represent a united effort to improve the management of Tuvalu’s coastal marine resources.
Key figures at the launch included the Minister of Natural Resources Development, Hon. Sa’aga Talu Teafa, Director of Fisheries Samasoni Finikaso, Senior Fisheries Officers and community leaders from the nine islands. While some invited guests could not attend.

The development of these CFMPs has been a comprehensive process, beginning in 2022 with community consultations and followed by several stages of drafting, reviewing, and validating the plans. The endorsement by the Minister today signifies the final step, setting the stage for the plans’ implementation.

In his speech, Hon. Sa’aga Talu Teafa thanked the Senior Management Committee (SMC) team and fisheries staff for their dedication and hard work in developing these management plans. He also expressed his gratitude to donors and financial supporters who played a crucial role in making these plans a reality. The Minister emphasized that with the plans now ready, the focus must shift to their implementation, calling it “the most important task ahead.”

The theme of the day, “Blue for Ocean and Green for Natural,” underscored the importance of unity, commitment, and collaboration among all stakeholders as they work together to achieve the goals set out in the CFMPs.

As the plans move into the implementation phase, the message is clear: everyone must say “I DO” to their roles and responsibilities. Let’s work together to protect our coastal marine resources for the future of our communities.

Theme of the Day: “Blue for Ocean and Green for Natural”