Advertisement: Vacancies for 3 independent Directors for the Board of the Tuvalu Fisheries Authority

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is seeking applicants from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to fill three vacancies on the new Fisheries Authority Board from 1st July 2025. The Authority will have eight Board members: the Minister of Fisheries (Chair), the Managing Director, three senior public servants, and three Independent Directors.

The Independent Directors may be recruited from within Tuvalu or overseas. These are opportunities for experienced and committed persons to help develop the future for Tuvalu in this most important sector of the economy. Applicants should provide expertise in fisheries management, international business, accounting and finance, and other commercial and strategic skills.

The selection will be based on merit and subject to approval by Cabinet. Directors will need to attend at least six meetings per year, with the first meeting in July. Directors resident overseas will be expected to attend the first meeting of the Board in person, and further meetings online.

The positions come with an annual allowance and sitting fees for each meeting. For more information on these directorships and how to apply, CLICK on this linkTFA Board TOR

Applications close on Monday 31st March at 4.00 p.m. local time