Connecting People to Nature: Why Protect our Marine Resources?

A tour to Fualopa, an islet within Funafuti’s conservation area was part of the Fisheries’ department’s role played in World Environment Day 2017.  The visit was organised as an awareness activity to link to the World Environment Day theme on “Connecting People to Nature”.  The Funafuti Conservation Area (FCA), a marine protected area, extends  from […]

Fisheries Monitoring and Management 2nd Consultation (FMMC2) 27th April 2017

The Coastal and Operations & Development Sections of the Fisheries Department will be holding a second Fisheries Monitoring and Management Consultation (FMMC2). The meeting will be held at the Tausoalima Falekaupule on Thursday the 27th of April 2017.This is a follow-up meeting from FMMC1 which was run in February and which sought the views of […]

Tuvalu Fisheries Library receives aid from PIMRIS: The Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System

The Fisheries Department, received a Dell brand laptop and a scanner donated by the Pacific Islands Marine Resource Information System Project (PIMRIS). The equipment has been designated for creating and maintaining the Fisheries library database. PIMRIS is a mutual network of regional systems and government information centres concerned with the evolution of technical information, including […]

First Fisheries Monitoring and Management Consultation (FMMC) with the Funafuti Community on the Funafuti reef fishery

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) organised a consultation with the Funafuti community, Fale Kaupule, Kaupule, Funafuti Fishermen’s Association and outer island leaders on monitoring and management of coastal reef fisheries. The meeting ran for one and a half days, on the 23rd and 24th February 2017 at Tausoa Lima in Funafuti. The meeting was part […]

Closed: Re-advertised Outer Islands Data Collectors for Tuvalu Fisheries Department (16/3/17)

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is inviting suitably qualified young men and women of a minimum age of 18 years to fill the vacant positions of 5 Outer Island Data Collectors (OIDCs) for the islands of: NANUMAGA, NUI, NUKUFETAU, FUNAFUTI, and NUKULAELAE. Applicants must be physically and mentally fit and should be a permanent resident of […]

Coastal Fisheries Meeting with Funafuti Fisherman Association (FFA/FTFF)

The Coastal Fisheries section held a meeting with the Funafuti Fisherman Association on the 9th February 2017 Thursday in the Funafuti Lagoon Hotel conference room. The meeting was commenced at 9;15 am led by the Principal Fisheries Officer of the Coastal division. The meeting was about sharing information with the Funafuti Fisherman Association actually about […]

Closed: Request for EOI for Information and Technology Consultant (22/2/17)

TUVALU Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) | Fisheries Sector | CONSULTING SERVICES | Grant No: D016-TV / TF 018605 | Project ID No: P151780 Request for Expressions of Interest for an Information and Technology Consultant to improve the Tuvalu Fisheries Department Information System The Tuvalu Government has received financing from the World Bank toward […]