Save our ocean and beat plastic pollution!

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) took awareness on a healthy ocean and the issue of plastic pollution to the islets of Funafuti last week on a field trip as part of the Environment Week celebrations. This year, international Environment Week was themed as “25 years of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) safe-guarding Life on […]

FRFSP: Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan to be launched in December

The Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan (FRFSP) has been under development most of this year. The plan was formulated through extensive consultations with communities, leaders, the Funafuti Island Council and interest groups and is now ready to be launched on 14th December at Tausoa Lima in Funafuti. The plan is a culmination of several years […]

Latest Department Metronome Trip : A milestone in the annual work plan

Seven Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) officers carried out one of the regular outer islands ‘Metronome’ trips during August. This trip was to the southern islands (Nukulaelae & Niulakita), to liaise with the Kaupule (island council) members and the communities and to carry out fisheries work programme activities. The team was away for one week, from […]

3rd Fisheries Monitoring & Management Consultation with Funafuti Community FMMC3

Coastal Fisheries staff of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) held the third fisheries monitoring & management consultation FMMC3 with the Funafuti community and Fishermen of Funafuti Association FOFA. The meeting was held on the 3rd of August 2017 at the Tausoalima Falekaupule with the primary aim of discussing options and obtaining feedback on management of […]

The Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department, in association with the Funafuti Kaupule (Island Council), Falekaupule (Elders), Fishermen in Funafuti Association (FOFA) and the community is developing a comprehensive plan for the management of stressed fishery resources on Funafuti Atoll. The plan is expected to optimise our use and benefits from fisheries. The Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan […]

Connecting People to Nature: Why Protect our Marine Resources?

A tour to Fualopa, an islet within Funafuti’s conservation area was part of the Fisheries’ department’s role played in World Environment Day 2017.  The visit was organised as an awareness activity to link to the World Environment Day theme on “Connecting People to Nature”.  The Funafuti Conservation Area (FCA), a marine protected area, extends  from […]