Two representatives from the Tuvalu Government Gender office presented a lecture on “Gender perspective on Women in Fisheries”. The lecture was carried out by; Natalie Makhoul, the Gender Advisor and Lanuola Fasiai the senior officer.
Natalie Makhoul was first talked about gender perspective and women in fisheries while Ms Fasiai talked about the Woman’s contribution in the household life. The lecture was very informative and beneficial as it developed the knowledge of fisheries staffs on gender equality and its role in society as well as in Fisheries. Ms Makhoul also explained the principle of gender equality, the influence of family structure, religion, Government policies, politics and culture and tradition in the role of gender in the society. The main role of Gender equality it not about differentiation of women from men but about “justified discrimination” and the freedom of women to choose and access to occupations.
“Gender equality is not about equalizing men and women, the main role of gender equality is about acknowledging the different sexes, minimizing gender discrimination through accessing to opportunities, services and jobs”
Ms Fasiai she discussed in details the contribution of women in household level. There are many traditional occupations that women are capable of in Fisheries, not merely that they contribute in the physical way, but they can also give through their creative minds in community meetings, in Parliament, island debates etc., with the planning and decision making.
During the lecture fisheries staffs came up with so many questions. Questions on discrimination, bias, racism etc. Some of the questions were basically on customs and traditions in the mode of life of a Tuvaluan and this is a big issue faced by Tuvaluan People. Even though there are bylaws and public awareness raised in the country, still there is discrimination and bias in every employment sector. Gender Equality is now being introduced into all sectors of Tuvalu.