Closed: Request for EOI to Review the Tuvalu National Fisheries Observer Program (2/1/17)

TuvGovPacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP)

CONSULTING SERVICES | Grant No: D016-TV | Project ID No: P151780

Request for Expressions of Interest for a Consultant/Firm to Review the Tuvalu National Fisheries Observer Program

The Tuvalu Government has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the PROP, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services. The services include a review of the current management, administrative and financial arrangements of the Tuvalu National Observer Program including its Funds’ Policy  and propose recommended improvement for the way forward of the program.

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible consultants (individual or firms) to indicate their interest in providing the above mentioned services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. from firms and CV from individual consultants). Consultants may associate in the form of a joint venture or sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. In case of a Joint Venture (JV), all members of the JV will be evaluated jointly for the purpose of short listing and shall be jointly and severally liable for the assignment and shall sign the contract jointly in case of award is made to that JV group. Interested consultants should clearly indicate the structure of their “association” and the duties of their partners and sub consultants in their application. Unclear expressions of interests in terms of “in association with” and / or “in affiliation with” and etc. without indicating the status of the partnership and designation of the lead partner may not be considered for short listing.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines for Selection & Employment of Consultants by World Bank borrowers (January 2011 edition).

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: 0800 to 1700 OR emailed to /

Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP), Project Number: P151780, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources, Teone, Funafuti, TUVALU.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the same address by 2 January 2017.

Terms of Reference


The Tuvalu Government has received grant financing from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility to participate in the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP). The objective of the PROP is to strengthen the management of selected Pacific Island oceanic and coastal fisheries, and the critical habitats upon which they depend. This will provide the basis for sustainable and increased economic benefits from this resource.

The Oceanic Fisheries Section (OFS) of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) is responsible for managing the Tuvalu National Observer Program (TNOP) which was established in 2009 and has been very successful in improving the monitoring of foreign fishing activities in Tuvalu and regionally, as well as creating employment opportunities for Tuvaluans. Since 2009, the TNOP has grown and expanded from a handful of observers to a total of 65 PIRFO certified observers, including 5 certified de-briefers. These observers are being deployed under the national observer program, while others have been placed on board fishing vessels under regional or sub-regional programs: the PNA observer program for vessels operating under the FSM Arrangement, and the FFA program for US Treaty vessels. In 2012, the TNOP was accredited as part of the Commission regional observer program (ROP) for having met all the regional standards following a performance audit of the program undertaken by the WCPFC ROP coordinator.

With funding assistance increasingly made available through New Zealand and, more recently, the PROP, the TNOP has continued to train and recruit more observers now and the future aim is to reach a target of 100 observers by year 2018, as reflected in Te Kakeega III, Tuvalu’s National Development Plan.

Although there is a general impression that the TNOP is running well, there are nevertheless a number of challenges and gaps that undermine the successful administration and management of the program. Some of these issues arise from the recent rapid growth of the TNOP, which is causing administrative/ management overload and diverting staff of the OFS away from their normal duties to assist with observer deployment and management.

Objective of the assignment

The key objective of this assignment is to address the above challenges and gaps within the Tuvalu National Observer Program. TFD therefore wishes to engage an Independent Consultant funded by the PROP, to review the overall performance of the TNOP. The review is intended to examine current management, administrative and financial arrangements of the TNOP and recommend ways to improve and streamline them.

Scope of work

The Consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Examine the current management, administrative, operational, logistical, and financial procedures involved in the Tuvalu National Observer Programme;
  2. Assess the quality of observer performance and reporting procedures;
  3. Review and propose appropriate amendments to observer contracts, code of ethics, observer MOU with other countries, observer service agreement with FFA and other relevant documents
  4. Develop an Observer Operational manual and standard operating procedures (SOP’s) for managing the observer program;
  5. Develop an emergency action plan (EAP) for Tuvalu observer program in response to any distress or observer emergency, including recommendations for the application of any relevant technology;
  6. Consider and make recommendations on possible cost recovery and sustainable financing options for the observer program, including through privatization or corporatisation;
  7. Carry out a training needs analysis and make appropriate recommendations for future observer training activities;
  8. Assess oceanic fishing and governance trends in the Tuvalu EEZ and regionally that might represent increasing demand for on-board observers or new vessel monitoring or virtual observation systems. Include in the report on findings and recommendations for the way forward, potential scenarios and their implications for future TNOP operations.
  9. Study all relevant documents and other materials, hold meetings, facilitate workshops and carry out any other activities required to gather necessary information from all stakeholders;
  10. During the course of the study, provide in-house training and coaching to the National Observer Programme Coordinator and other relevant Fisheries Department staff as appropriate;

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes from this assignment include:

  1. Study findings on challenges and gaps on all aspects of the program;
  2. Propose improvements of the systems OR a new system;
  3. An Observer Operational Manual on standard operating procedures;
  4. An Emergency Action Plan for Tuvaluan Observers;
  5. Training needs for the program;
  6. Recommendations of the way forward for the program (privatisation or corporatisation)

Duration of the assignment

The terms of the assignment will be for three month maximum. The PROP Office will provide the consultant with a workspace if he/she needs one.

Qualification requirements and basis for evaluation (evaluation criteria)

The Consultant must have extensive knowledge and experience on: i) Observer Program Management; ii) Financial Management and Cost Recovery mechanisms; iii) strategic planning and institutional arrangement at the international, regional and national level.

The minimum qualification requirements:

Essential Qualification and Experiences
  •  Degree or relevant tertiary qualification in the area of resource management, economics, financial management, or project management;
  • At least five years’ of working experience in observer programme management, coordination, placement and debriefing;
  • Familiar with the Pacific Island Regional Fishery Observer (PIRFO) standards of training and accreditation;
  • Ability to collaborate well and to deliver work in a timely manner; and
  • Excellent computer skills; MS Office and e-mail.
  • Good oral and written English communication skills.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience:
  • Prior experience as a fisheries observer.
  • Prior experience of training fisheries observers.
  • Familiar with Pacific Islands regional, sub-regional and national fisheries management and licensing arrangements;
  • Working experience in/with regional fishery agencies and/or other fishery international organisations
  • Experience in developing observer programme policy, contract and financial management.

Reporting obligations

The Consultant is expecting to report to the Director of Fisheries any assistance he/she may need during his assignment, although he/she will be under the supervision of the Project Coordinator.

Within 15 days of the assignment completion, the consultant will submit to the Director of Fisheries a draft of the above outcomes. The Director will provide comments on these outcomes within 15 days of receipt. The consultant will finalise these documents within 10 days of receiving the Director’s feedback.

TFD will share drafts and outputs with the World Bank for comments.

Special Terms and Conditions

All of the data and information accessed in the conduct of this assignment will be maintained as strictly confidential, with all deliverables the sole property of TFD.