Fisheries old building finally demolished

The Fisheries old buildings on the ocean and lagoon side of the main road through Teone have now finally been demolished. The demolition of the old building was performed in three weeks by Aaron of Timber Construction Services (TCS) from New Zealand and a few local workers. Now all the old buildings are gone and […]

Closed: Request for EOI to Review the Tuvalu National Fisheries Observer Program (2/1/17)

Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) CONSULTING SERVICES | Grant No: D016-TV | Project ID No: P151780 Request for Expressions of Interest for a Consultant/Firm to Review the Tuvalu National Fisheries Observer Program The Tuvalu Government has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the PROP, and intends to apply part of […]

Lecture on Gender Perspective on Women in Fisheries

Two representatives from the Tuvalu Government Gender office presented a lecture on “Gender perspective on Women in Fisheries”. The lecture was carried out by; Natalie Makhoul, the Gender Advisor and Lanuola Fasiai the senior officer. Natalie Makhoul was first talked about gender perspective and women in fisheries while Ms Fasiai talked about the Woman’s contribution […]

Fish Aggregate Devices (FADs) Training

Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) are an extension of fishing gear designed to concentrate fish into a small area so that it is easier to catch them. They can be used for industrial as well as artisanal fishing. Close to the islands of Tuvalu, the Fisheries Department has been deploying FADs to assist local fishers to […]

2016 Observers Recruited

Observers are trained officers placed on fishing vessels in the dual role of data collectors and reporters on compliance issues. Tuvalu’s Observer Programme is an important part of the social and economic role of fisheries in Tuvalu, implementing the provisions of the Marine Resources Act and other legislation, and meeting our international obligations with regard […]

Revival of the Creel Survey

In mid-August last year, the Coastal team from the Tuvalu Fisheries department decided to revive the Creel Survey. A creel survey is where we check to see what each fisherman has caught when he comes back from fishing and weigh and measure the different species in the catch. We then relate that information to details […]

Tuvalu Fisheries Department Lecture Series Update 4th May–3 August

9:00 am up until 12:00 noon every Wednesday: At the Coastal Fisheries Building Lectures run each Wednesday throughout the year unless notified otherwise. The lectures are for Fisheries Staff only – at present we are unable to accommodate people from outside the department. Lectures will run for approximately an hour, followed by a session of […]