Dry-docking RV Tala Moana

RV Tala Moana

The Fisheries Research Vessel, Tala Moana will soon dock in Suva, Fiji for maintenance and repair. The Tala Moana is planning to dock next month for a one week period from the 2nd to the 6th December 2019 to fix it starboard main engine. It is planned that the vessel will leave Funafuti on the 21st November 2019.

The vessel has 9 crew, including the Skipper, Mate, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, and the Bosun, the Second Able Seaman, an ongoing Seafarer and two qualified motormen.

The Fisheries Department operates the Tala Moana vessel and has confirmed when the  Tala Moana will be leaving for Suva. The purpose of the work is to carry out normal maintenance and get the Tala Moana back to its full operation. This vessel provides an important service to the Tuvalu Fisheries Department TFD, and for other Government Departments and  as well as outer island Projects and field missions. One of the regular uses of the Tala Moana is for the Coastal and Operations & Development sections to go on their quarterly “Metronome” trips to gather data and assist the Kaupules, fishermen and communities with fisheries-related matters.

The RV Tala Moana has completed at total of 69 TFD, Government, Project and Private sector charters since its arrival in late 2015.

The Tala Moana, a 32- metre steel vessel, was procured by UNDP using GEF funds allocated to Tuvalu primarily to support the operations of the NAPA2 and Ridge-to-Reef (R2R) Projects in which the Department is heavily involved. The Tala Moana was delivered in December 2015 and is better suited to passenger transport and outer-island fieldwork than the Extension Vessel Manaui. The vessel is much larger than anticipated which makes it more costly to run but also enables it to be used for Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) patrols.

Coastal Team focus plan to improve inshore fisheries

IMG_1758-1-1024x768Inshore Fisheries Advisor (IFA), Dr Uschi Kaly conducted a workshop with the Coastal team of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department this week. The workshop was dedicated to developing the Coastal Section’s Annual Work Plan for 2020 and beyond, and the proposed budget for 2020-2022, alongside with polishing the Coastal Fisheries staff’s skills.

The main idea of this workshop was to develop the Coastal Annual Work Plan in relation to the newly formulated Fisheries Department Corporate Plan for 2020 to 2022.

The workshop was run over a one week period and was held at the Fisheries Conference room from the 21st to the 25th October 2019.

There was an intensive consultation between the IFA and the coastal team. They discussed the different activities and goals for the Coastal Section for the next three years. The work plan will focus on delivering assistance to the Tuvalu Community at large, including support to Kaupules and fishers in terms of inshore fisheries-related issues. the main tasks will focus on improving fishery resource monitoring and management, implementing projects and research, monitoring environmental variables central to the health of fisheries and implementing the Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan (FRFSP).

Mr Lale Petaia said, “ Dr Uschi Kaly’s presence helps in providing a guideline towards completing a more realistic, well developed Annual Work Plan and of course the budget.

Dr Uschi Kaly, along with Mr Lindsay Chapman will be working as inshore fisheries advisers to TFD over the next 6 months during 4 one month trips to Funafuti. They will be assisting with many aspects of the Section’s work, plus undertake training as needed.

Tuvalu Observers trained on e-reporting and Safety

Tuvalu Observers group photo was taken during the 3rd day of e-reporting & safety workshop

Three Observer training Officers from the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Agency conducted training for Tuvalu Observers in October. The training was designed to enhance Tuvalu Observer e-reporting and safety, through utilizing tablets to enter data electronically instead of using the old system of workbooks.

There were 35 observers who joined the training together with Fisheries Oceanic staff. Some other Observers didn’t have the opportunity to join as some of them were on duty on board fishing vessels, and some of them were on leave.

The training was run over four days, which started on Tuesday 15th October 2019 and ended on Friday 18th October 2019 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The training was held at the Tuvalu Fisheries Conference room.

Mr Hulo Simeti said, “this is very important training to Tuvalu Observer whereas it improves their safety at sea while on duty and as well as improve the quality of the progress of observer data through reporting electronically”.

The three Officers from PNA Agency left Funafuti on Tuesday 22 October 2019.

The Tuvalu National Observer Programme is managed by the Oceanic Section of the Fisheries Department. They work on full operation review and performance audit of the program. There is about 80 total number of active observers, among them 30 certified debriefers, two trainee debriefers, four debriefer assessors, two certified observers with cross-endorsement for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), five observers deployed on Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) trips, 39 observers deployed on PNA trips and 69 deployed on National program trips.

Closed:Expressions of Interest: An Environmental and Social Safeguard Consultant

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Tuvalu PROP, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include managing, review, monitor and report the project Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and all PROP environmental and social safeguards requirements; train and conduct safeguards awareness with stakeholders and the public in general. The services requires a part-time inputs of 40 days of a year. The expected start date will be as soon as possible.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following link: Environmental and Social Safeguard Consultant TOR-2019 FINAL

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with a description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the experience and qualifications of individuals shall be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are: related required qualifications and experience of the individual.

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition), (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V of the Consultant Guidelines. Firms expressing interest and proposing the name of an individual for the assignment should take note of paragraph 5.5 of the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained at the address above during office hours from 0800 to 1600 hours.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address above (in person, or by e-mail) by October 7, 2019.


Closed: Forum Fisheries Agency: 3 Vacant Post

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) is inviting applications for the following positions:


1. Director Fisheries Development (Re-advertised)

Director to lead the Fisheries Development Division. This is an executive leadership position responsible for managing the work of the Fisheries Development Division in delivering high quality fisheries economics, development, trade and investment advice and support to member countries in line with the FFA Strategic Plan and Annual Work Programme and Budget.

Closing Date for applications is 13 September 2019


2. Finance Manager, Corporate Services Division (Re-Advertised)

This is a senior leadership position which reports directly to the Director, Corporate services. This role provides operational, budgetary and strategic management of the Agency’s financial resources.

Closing Date for Applications is 5 September 2019


3. Management Accountant, Corporate Services Division

Reporting to the Finance Manager and working alongside the financial Accountant, the Management Accountant leads the financial management section of the Finance Unit which is responsible for financial reporting; budget formulation and monitoring; financial policies development; and cash flow management.

Closing Date for Applications is 7 September 2019

To obtain full positions details and how to apply & submit an application on line is available on these provided links below:

Closed: Expressions of Interest: PROP National Project Accountant: Tuvalu

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) is the implementing agency for the PROP project in Tuvalu. To support project implementation TFD requires the services of a dynamic, experienced National Project Accountant (NPA) to be responsible for financial management and oversight of this PROP, as well as for other donor-funded fisheries projects implemented by the TFD.

The NPA will be based in Funafuti and will be responsible for undertaking the financial management, recording and reporting aspects of the Tuvalu national component of the PROP, ensuring that all financial transactions and reporting comply with the requirements of the Tuvalu Government and The World Bank.
The NPA will also assist with the financial management of New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fishery Support Project (TFSP), help with procurement of goods and services under both the PROP and the TFSP, and support capacity building in financial management and reporting among the staff of the TFD.

The role of the NPA will require sustained high-level attention to project financial planning and management, support to procurement exercises, and liaison with relevant Tuvalu government departments, FFA, and other participating PROP countries. The NPA will report through the PROP National Project Coordinator (NPC) to the Director of Fisheries, who has overall responsibility for the Project.

The main tasks of the PROP National Project Accountant are shown in the attachment1,

Required qualifications and attributes are in the attachment2,

Additional information is shown in attachment 3.

To obtain full details, download the Terms of Reference and the above attachments here: PROP National Project Accountant TOR.

Applications for this position should be addressed to the: Director, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources, Private Mail Bag, Vaiaku, Funafuti, or by e-mail to proptuv@gmail.com applications should include a cover letter, explaining the applicant’s reasons and motivation for applying for the post, as well as a curriculum vitae which details the applicant’s education, qualifications and experience, transcripts and relevant documents to support the application.

The closing date for applications is August 22, 2019. Applications received after that time will not be considered.

Closed:Request for Quotations: Training Course in Longline Fishing Operations

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme (TFSP), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced consultants for the design and delivery of an introductory course in longline fishing operations at the Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute (TMTI). The course will be for experienced Tuvaluan seamen who are recruited to work as crew in the Australian East Coast Tuna Fishery, and the programme will build capacity in TMTI to deliver the course in future without external assistance.

Download the Terms and Reference of the above assignment here: Training Course in Longline Fishing Operations TOR

Timing and delivery

The consultant must be contracted during September and will be expected to hold some initial consultations before the end of the month. Some flexibility will be required in the timing of other inputs, however, as the delivery of the first course should come shortly before the next group of the crew are due to start work in Australia. There may also be some delays in logistics, delivery of course materials etc. The consultant will be expected to work around these issues. However, it is intended that the assignment will be completed by mid-2020.

Assessment of Proposals

Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria by the senior management committee of the TFD. Each criterion will have equal weighting:

· Formal qualifications in the maritime or fisheries fields with additional qualifications in human resource development or training and assessment;

· Experience of the design and delivery of short practical courses for fishing crew;

· Experience of working with maritime training institutions in developing countries, preferably in the Pacific Islands;

· The three desirable qualifications/experience listed in the TOR;

· Value for money.

Submission of proposals

Interested consultants should submit the following documents in support of their proposal:

a) Confirmation of the dates on which he/she will be available to start work and the proposed schedule of inputs;

b) A response to the selection criteria listed above;

c) A brief curriculum vitae of the consultant (not more than 3 pages);

d) A detailed cost estimate including fees, air travel costs, DSA and any incidentals. This should include travel arrangements for attachments of the TMTI instructors and purchase of minor items of equipment and supplies to facilitate the delivery of the project. It will form the basis of the contract.

Proposals should be sent by email to michaelb@tuvalufisheries.tv and should reach him by 5.00 p.m. local time (in Tuvalu) on Tuesday 27th August 2019. Any questions on the proposed consultancy can be sent to the same email address and will be answered within 5 working days. This request for proposals should not be construed as an offer to any consultant contacted. TFD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to negotiate with any bidder if the original proposal is not acceptable.

Closed: Expressions of Interest: 4 Consultancy services required

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) through the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) is inviting eligible firms/consultants who are interested in providing consultancy services for TFD in the list tabulated below.

RFP No: Description Selection Method Closing Date
PROP/ TFD/C1/CS1-2019 Cost & Benefit Analysis of MCS CQS[1] 1/08/19
PROP/ TFD/C1/CS3-2019 Design & Develop a Statutory Authority CQS 1/08/19
PROP/ TFD/C1/CS4-2019 Sanitary Competent Authority CQS 1/08/19
PROP/ TFD/C1/CS5-2019 Advisor for Tuvalu National Observer Program ICS[2] 8/08/19

These consultancies’ will be selected by following the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition).

Interested firms/consultants must provide information indicating their qualifications and experiences to perform the services they are interested in with evidence (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, and availability of appropriate skills) with their CVs.

To download detail information or Terms of References for these consultancies click on the text of consultancy services required in the above table.

Further information or clarification can be obtained from contacting the Fisheries Department Office at Tel: 688 20343 OR the PROP Office at the Tel: 688 20 348 during Tuvalu office hours: Monday – Friday 0800 to 1700.

Expressions of interest must be addressed to Director of Fisheries, Tuvalu Fisheries Department, Ministry of Natural Resources, Teone, Funafuti, Tuvalu – Telephone (688) 20348; Email proptuv@gmail.com and delivered or emailed to the same address before the stated closing dates in the table above.

Closed:Tuvalu Fisheries IT Consultant

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme (TFSP), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to improve the Information Technology (IT) systems of the Department.

Download the Terms and Reference of the above assignment: Tuvalu Fisheries IT Consultant TOR

Timing and delivery

This is a part-time assignment, requiring delivery of 50-60 days in-country over a period of not more than six months, starting in or before September 2019.

Assessment of Proposals

Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria by the senior management committee of the TFD:

  • Tertiary education in computer science or other relevant disciplines;
  • At least 8 years of relevant work experience in developing countries, preferably in the Pacific Islands region;
  • Previous work experience in Tuvalu if any; or work with a Pacific regional Fisheries Agency that provides IT services to Tuvalu;
  • Experience in training and mentoring of counterpart staff;
  • Value for money.

Submission of proposals

Interested consultants should submit the following documents in support of their proposal:

a) Confirmation of the dates on which he/she will be available to start work and the proposed schedule of inputs;

b) A response to the selection criteria listed above;

c) A brief curriculum vitae of the consultant (not more than 3 pages);

d) A detailed cost estimate including fees, air travel costs, DSA[1] and any incidentals. This will form the basis of the contract.

Proposals should be sent by email to michaelb@tuvalufisheries.tv and should reach him by 5.00 p.m. local time (in Tuvalu) on Tuesday 29th July 2019. Any questions on the proposed consultancy can be sent to the same email address and will be answered within 5 working days. This request for proposals should not be construed as an offer to any consultant contacted. TFD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to negotiate with any bidder if the original proposal is not acceptable.


[1] DSA rates for this consultancy can be found at https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/aid-and-development/working-with-us/getting-paid/per-diem-rates/

Closed:Tuvalu Inshore Fisheries Adviser

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support programme (TFSP), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to work as Inshore Fisheries Advisor with the Department.

Timing and delivery

This is a part-time assignment, requiring delivery of 100-150 days in-country over a period of not more than 12 months, starting in or before September 2019.

Download the Terms of Reference for the above assignments: Tuvalu Inshore Fisheries Advisor TOR


Assessments of Proposals

Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria by the senior management committee of the TFD:

  • Tertiary education (Minimum B.Sc. or higher) in fisheries management, marine ecology or other relevant disciplines
  • 10 years of relevant work experience in developing countries, preferably in the Pacific Islands region;
  • Previous work experience in Tuvalu if any;
  • Experience in training and mentoring of counterpart staff;
  • Competence in computer use – minimum MS Office products; preferably databases, GIS, mapping and web authoring products;
  • Value for money.


Submission of proposals

Interested consultants should submit the following documents in support of their proposal:

a) Confirmation of the dates on which he/she will be available to start work and the proposed schedule of inputs;

b) A response to the selection criteria listed above;

c) A brief curriculum vitae of the consultant (not more than 3 pages);

d) A detailed cost estimate including fees, air travel costs, DSA[1] and any incidentals. This will form the basis of the contract.

Proposals should be sent by email to michaelb@tuvalufisheries.tv and should reach him by 5.00 p.m. local time (in Tuvalu) on Tuesday 29th July 2019. Any questions on the proposed consultancy can be sent to the same email address and will be answered within 5 working days. This request for proposals should not be construed as an offer to any consultant contacted. TFD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to negotiate with any bidder if the original proposal is not acceptable.


DSA rates for this consultancy can be found at https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/aid-and-development/working-with-us/getting-paid/per-diem-rates/