Save our ocean and beat plastic pollution!

P60800718The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) took awareness on a healthy ocean and the issue of plastic pollution to the islets of Funafuti last week on a field trip as part of the Environment Week celebrations. This year, international Environment Week was themed as “25 years of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) safe-guarding Life on Earth” and “Beat plastic pollution”.

TFD’s main focus was ‘Save our ocean and living creatures, and beat plastic pollution’ which targeted Form 2 students from Nauti Primary School and the Seventh Day Adventist Primary School.

The field trip took place at Fualopa islet, one of the islets within the Funafuti Conservation Area (FCA), and participants were transported to the islet on the RV Tala Moana.

A hundred and twenty four people participated, including Form 2 students, teachers, officers of the Ridge to Reef Rroject (R2R0, staff from the departments of Agriculture, Waste, and Environment, the NAPA II Project, a member of the Funafuti Kaupule (Island Council), fisheries officers and a member from the Flower Power group.

At the islet, Form 2 students were divided into three groups, namely: Marine, Terrestrial and Beach, for an educational activity facilitated by Mr. Teleke Peleti, Mr. Tito Isala, Ms Miriama Taukiei and Ms Lilly Nafatali.

The main idea of these educational activities is for our children and especially the public to know how dangerous plastic pollution is to every living thing around us, especially in the sea, where fish is our daily source of intake.

During these activities, Ms Taukiei said that “The sea is not a dumping site for plastics and we should all work together to stop littering plastics on land, on the beach and in the sea”.

One student compared Funafuti to Fualopa islet. She said that “Fualopa is much cleaner than the main land especially the water and the fresh air”.

After all the activities, lunch was served prepared by the Fisheries Department. Participants ended the day’s activities with collecting rubbish on the islet before heading back to the mainland.

This field trip was fully funded by the Fisheries Department.

Fisheries staff build their capacity on types of fishing techniques

DSC02627Staff of the Operation and Development section within the Fisheries Department underwent a week-long training from 24th May to the 1st of June 2018 on bottom fishing techniques and the use vacuum packaging using a sealer machine.

The training was facilitated by an expert on fishing and food technology from the Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Foundation (OFCF), Mr. Keizo Takashi and with the help of Toma Hayashi, Operation & Development Technical Advisor.

During the week, three days were spent on trial fishing for squid, trying to find out whether or not there are squids in our ocean.

Two days of the training were spent on trial fishing for yellow fin tuna using electric reel and the final three days were spent on fish smoking and vacuum seal packing.

Mr. Keizo said, “The trial fishing for squid and yellow fin tuna was unsuccessful but I will come back in October this year to try again.”

Mr. Tupulaga, the Principal Fisheries Officer for the Operation and Development said, “When Mr. Keizo leaves for Japan, the operation and development staff will continue to explore trial fishing for squid and yellow fin tuna once a month.”

These exploratory fishing techniques were made in order to get new ideas on fishing techniques with an effort to divert fishing pressure off reef fish.

The training is also to adequately equip Operation and Development section staff to become trainers in these fishing areas, where they will be required to share their knowledge and skills with local fishermen at a later stage if the outcome of trial fishing is successful.

This training was funded by the OFCF of Japan.

Closed:Expression of Interest : 2 Consultancy services required (7/05/2018)

GOTThe Tuvalu Government has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and the project intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services. The services required at this time are:

1. An Individual Mid-Term Review Consultant to review the Tuvalu PROP project; and

2. An Individual Environmental and Social Safeguard Consultant to conduct safeguard assessments for the Tuvalu PROP project.

The Term of Reference for the above assignments can be obtained from the Tuvalu PROP office or the Fisheries new building office OR  click on the above text of services required.

Interested consultants are invited to provide information indicating that he/she is qualified to perform the assignment, including (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, and availability of appropriate skills among other things) together with his/her Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the Director of Fisheries, Fisheries department, Teone  or email PROP at or contact by phone number at (688)20 348

The successful consultant for each of the above assignment will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition).

The closing date for Expression of Interest is at 4 pm – May 7, 2018.

Closed:Fisheries Department : 3 Vacant Posts (8/03/2018)

GOTThe Tuvalu fisheries department of the Government of Tuvalu is seeking suitably qualified Tuvaluan citizens to fill 3 vacant positions within the fisheries department.

1. Storekeeper/Cleaner at level 10

2. Principal Fisheries officer – Coastal at level 5/4 and;

3. Principal Fisheries officer- Oceanic at level 5/4

Please click on the above vacant post texts to get full details on job descriptions and important notices, or contact the Public Service Commission’s office to obtain full details of the above vacant positions via telephone number 688 20110 during working hours only.

All interested applicants should address their applications to the Secretary of Office of the Prime Minister. Interested applicants are to submit their applications (Cover Letter) together with a: Form P2, Curriculum Vitae (CV), Certified copies of their qualification certificates; and Transcripts from recognised institutions to the Office of the Public Service Commission no later than 4.00pm the 8th of March 2018.

Closed:Fisheries Officer- Observer Coordination: Vacant Post (1/03/2018)

PROPThe Tuvalu Fisheries Department under the Government of Tuvalu is inviting a suitably qualified Tuvaluan citizens to fill in the vacant post of a Fisheries officer-Observer coordination which is currently exist within the Fisheries department. It is a 10 months contract appointment and expected to start next month March 2018.

Background Information on the Project
The Oceanic Fisheries Section (OFS) under the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) oversees the effective monitoring, control and management of industrial tuna fisheries in Tuvalu’s fishery waters. The Oceanic section has about 9 permanent staffs with contract observers who are employed on contractual basis. The Oceanic Fisheries Section (OFS) of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) is responsible for managing the Tuvalu National Observer Programme (TVNOP), which was established in 2010 and has been successful in improving the monitoring of foreign fishing activities in Tuvalu and regionally, as well as creating employment opportunities for Tuvaluans. In 2012, the TVNOP was accredited as part of the WCPFC Regional Observer Programme (ROP), having met all the regional standards following a performance audit of the programme undertaken by the WCPFC ROP coordinator. TVNOP has grown and expanded from a handful of observers to a total of approximately eighty-five PIRFO certified observers, of which at least sixty-five to seventy can be classified as active. The TFD was just informed by the Human Resource Management (HRM) division that two of our Oceanic fisheries officers which includes (Observer Coordination and Purse Seine Licensing Officer) were both received a government scholarship for further studies abroad. This information came out late after the government 2018 budget has been approved, therefore, we were not able to get funding for a replacement while the officers were absent for study. The Observer Coordinator is responsible for managing Tuvalu’s Observer Programme, including overall management of observer placements, ensuring all reporting requirements are completed in a timely fashion, communicating with foreign fishing vessels and arranging and/or undertaking debriefing of observers. The TFD now wishes to engage a temporary replacement for this position to enable implementation and overall managing of Tuvalu National Observer Programme (TVNOP). Future engagement of this appointed contractor is explored with HRM until the substantial holder is returned from study.

Objective(s) of the Assignment
The objective of the assignment is to create a temporary position on behalf of the Oceanic Fisheries Officer who’s absent on further study abroad, the said position would manage the Tuvalu National Observer Programme (TVOP).

Scope of Work
Under the supervision of the PFO Oceanic Fisheries and SFO MCS the replacement officer’s responsibilities will include:
· Manage the observer programme and the observers and debriefers involved in the programme
· Develop observer work plans and provide quarterly and annual reports to the Senior Fisheries Officer – MCS
· Liaise with foreign fishing companies and regional observer management agencies such as FFA and PNA regarding observer placements
· Coordinate travel arrangements with foreign fishing companies
· Arrange per diems for observers at sea and any other expenses required
· Monitor observer vessel movements
· Ensure observers meet expected standards and provide observers with all the tools and they need to satisfactorily undertake observer duties
· Ensure all workbooks are sent to the relevant organisations
· Arrange debriefing of all observers according to PIRFO protocols and undertake debriefing duties where necessary
· Provide back up support to the SFO – VMS and the SFO – Police Liaison as necessary
· Undertake other duties as directed

Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of this assignment will significantly contribute towards achieving Fisheries corporate plan objective 4 which aimed at Tuvalu being fully compliant with all the reporting requirements of the WCPFC and other international fishery treaties to which it is a party. The replacement officer will extend the capabilities of the TFD to ensure TVNOP will run successfully and without delaying the placement of observers on-board Foreign Fishing Vessels (FFV).

Qualifications and basis for evaluation (Evaluation Criteria)
The contractor must have:
· Diploma or Certificate in Management or Fishery related discipline
· Qualified PIRFO Debriefer and Observer
· Experience as a practising observer in the WCPO tuna fishery
· Experience in Monitoring, Control & Surveillance activities
· Skills and Abilities
· Highly proficient observer and debriefer skills
· Good understanding of the PIRFO programme
· Basic sea safety skills and able to operate marine radios
· Knowledge of and experience in boarding and inspection procedures
· Knowledge of and experience with information management systems such as TUFMAN and FIMS
· Knowledge of fishing gear methodology used in the region
· Able to write succinct, clear reports
· Basic financial management skills to manage observer expenses and provide financial reports
· Basic computer skills
· Good command of written and spoken English
· Excellent communication skills with an ability to interact with all stakeholders, in particular foreign fishing vessel crew
· Excellent organisational and time management skills
· Flexibility attitude and ability to adapt appropriately to changing requirements and situations
Desirable qualifications and skills:
· Basic management training
· Basic foreign language skills in one or more of the languages relevant to crew on FFV in the Western & Central Pacific tuna fishery

Duration of the Assignment and Estimated Time Inputs
The assignment will be for 10 months. Condition and rules of the GAO are applied once contract has been signed. The officer will be based on Funafuti and work closely with the Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) team under the Oceanic Fisheries Section. The starting date of the assignment will be no later than 6th March 2018.

Reporting Requirements
The replacement officer is expected to submit a quarterly report and annual report to the SFO Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS). Additional reports may be required under the direction by the Director of Fisheries (DOF).

Terms & Conditions
· Remuneration will be at level 8/7 of the government salary structure.
· Employer’s National Provident Fund (NPF) contribution of 10% of salary will also be paid.
· Equipment needed for this assignment will be provided by TFD.

Applications for this position should addressed to the Director, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources, Private Mail Bag, Funafuti, or email to or Applications should include a cover letter, explaining the applicant’s reasons and motivation for applying for the assignment, official transcript as well as curriculum vitae which details the applicant’s education, qualifications and work experiences.

The closing date for applications is the close of business 1st March 2018. Applications after this time will not be considered.

Closed:Fisheries officer- Purse Seine Licensing : Vacant Post (1/03/2018)

GOTThe Tuvalu Fisheries Department  under the Tuvalu Government is inviting a suitably qualified Tuvalu citizens to fill in the temporary  vacant position of a Fisheries officer – Purse Seine Licensing which is currently exist within the Fisheries Department. The vacant post is a contract appointment for the duration of 10 months and expected to start next month, March 2018.

Background Information on the Project
The Oceanic Fisheries Section (OFS) under the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) oversees the effective monitoring, control and management of industrial tuna fisheries in Tuvalu’s fishery
waters. The Oceanic section has about 9 permanent staffs with contract observers who are employed on contractual basis. The Oceanic Fisheries Section (OFS) headed by the PFO Oceanic and divides into 2 major sub-section, Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) and the Licensing team which contains only three permanent staffs working under the Licensing team. Tuvalu fisheries Licensing team continue to issue fishing permits/licenses to its bilateral and multilateral fishing partners from Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Fiji, Kiribati, New Zealand, US fleet, FSM arrangement and its domestic fleet. All interested companies to fish in our waters must first signed and finalize a fisheries access agreement with the Tuvalu Government through the Fisheries Department before they are authorized to fish in our waters. All these access agreements/ licenses/permits and fees were all monitored and managed by the licensing team as part of their daily job. The TFD was just informed by the Human Resource Management (HRM) division that two of our Oceanic fisheries officers which includes (Observer Coordination and Purse Seine Licensing Officer) were both received a government scholarship for further studies abroad. This information came out late after the government 2018 budget has been approved, therefore, we were not able to get funding for a replacement while the officers were absent for study. The Purse Seine Licensing Officer assists the Senor Fisheries Officer – Licensing in the preparation of Purse Seine vessel licences for foreign fishing vessels operating in Tuvalu’s EEZ, the collection and collation of relevant data and fees relating to those licences and the ongoing management and monitoring of the licences. The TFD now wishes to engage a temporary replacement for this position to enable implementation of OFS ongoing activity in terms of preparing licenses for authorisation of Purse seine fishing vessels operating in Tuvalu’s EEZ. Future engagement of this appointed contractor is explored with HRM until the substantial holder is returned from study.

Objective(s) of the Assignment
The objective of the assignment is to create a temporary position on behalf of the Oceanic Fisheries Officer who’s absent on further study abroad, the said position would prepare purse seine vessel licences for authorisation with the correct general and specific license conditions and other information attached.

Scope of Work
Under the supervision of the PFO Oceanic Fisheries and SFO Licensing the replacement officer’s responsibilities will include:
· Assist the SFO Licensing to prepare purse seine vessel licences for authorisation with the correct general and specific license conditions and other information attached
· Assist in the collection and collation of catch and other data supplied by purse seine licence holders and update all Departmental and regional databases (such as TUFMAN) as required
· Report all breaches of data provision responsibilities or any other observed irregularities by purse seine licence holders to the SFO Licensing
· Assist in the processing of purse seine licence fees and Vessel Day payments owed to the Government of Tuvalu and report any arrears or other observed irregularities to the SFO Licensing
· Provide other administrative support, data entry and information support to promote the efficient operations of the Purse Seine Licensing function as directed by the SFO Licensing
· Undertake other duties as directed

Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of this assignment will significantly contribute towards achieving Fisheries corporate plan and also lead to achieving Strategy 2 of Te Kakeega III which is on ensuring Tuvalu complies in full with WCPFC requirements. The replacement officer will extend the capabilities of the TFD to ensure the ongoing management and monitoring of the licences.

Qualifications and basis for evaluation (Evaluation Criteria)
The contractor must have:
· Diploma or Certificate in Management/Financial or Fishery related discipline
· Accurate data entry and word processing skills
· Diligent with an attention to detail
· Basic computer skills
· Good command of written and spoken English
· Good communication skills with an ability to interact with all stakeholders
· Good time management skills
· Possess flexibility and ability to adapt appropriately to workload patterns in the Licensing area Desirable qualifications and skills:
· Administrative background
· Experience with contract management would be an advantage

Duration of the Assignment and Estimated Time Inputs
The assignment will be for 10 months. Condition and rules of the GAO are applied once contract has been signed. The officer will be based on Funafuti and work closely with the Licensing team under the Oceanic Fisheries Section. The starting date of the assignment will be no later than 6th March 2018.

Reporting Requirements
The replacement officer is expected to submit a quarterly report and annual report to the SFO Licensing. Additional reports may be required under the direction by the Director of Fisheries (DOF).

Terms & Conditions
· Remuneration will be at level 7/6 of the government salary structure.
· Employer’s National Provident Fund (NPF) contribution of 10% of salary will also be paid.
· Equipment needed for this assignment will be provided by TFD.

Applications for this position should addressed to the Director, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources, Private Mail Bag, Funafuti, or email to or Applications should include a cover letter, explaining the applicant’s reasons and motivation for applying for the assignment, official transcript as well as curriculum vitae which details the applicant’s education, qualifications and work experiences.

The closing date for applications is the close of business 1st March 2018. Applications after this time will not be considered.

Closed : Fisheries officer for outer island: Vacant post (20/02/2018)

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is inviting a suitably qualified Tuvalu citizens to fill the temporary vacancy position of a Fisheries Officer for Outer islands. It is a ten month contract position and expected to start next month March 2018.

Background Information on the Project
The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), has an on-going mandate to improve fisheries livelihoods and food security in Tuvalu in line with Te Kakeega III and TFD’s Corporate plan. As part of that work, the Coastal Fisheries Section has been conducting outer island community outreach programmes by visiting these islands four times annually through metronome trips. These metronome trips, enables fisheries officers to carried out regular fisheries work under the coastal annual work plan. These are sea safety training for fishermen, FADs, Ciguatera Fish poison surveys, boat surveys, etc.

In late December 2017, the TFD was informed by the Human Resource Management (HRM) division that one of our fisheries officer has received a government scholarship for further studies abroad. This information came out late after the government 2018 budget has been approved, therefore, we were not able to get funding for a replacement while the officer is absent for study. The officer is responsible for executing outer island activities which is a very vital role within the Coastal Fisheries Section. In addition, currently there are also 2 other vacant positions within the Coastal Fisheries Section that are yet to be filled. This is because of problems associated with the slow recruitment process under the Public Service Commission system for selecting civil servant in Tuvalu. This has really created a great gap that causes major disruption within the work force of the Coastal Fisheries Section which raised a concerned on the TFD on fulfilling those target activities on the outer islands.

The TFD now wishes to engage a temporary replacement for this position to enable implementation of fisheries activities. Future engagement of this appointed contractor is explored with HRM until the substantial holder is returned from study.

Objective(s) of the Assignment
The objectives of the assignment is to create a temporary position on behalf of the fisheries officer whose on training abroad within the Coastal Fisheries Section that would assist the outer island team to implement coastal fisheries activities.

Scope of Work
Under the supervision of the PFO Coastal Fisheries and SFO Management (Outer Islands) the replacement officer’s responsibilities will include:
· Consult regularly with the Kaupule of the outer islands to ascertain their declared need for particular fisheries management advice from the Department.
· Actively participate on any metronome trips to the outer islands
· Participate in field surveys and data collection activities in the outer islands as required
· Ensure the delivery of analysis of catch or other fisheries data collected by Kaupule from the artisanal sector
· Ensure the delivery of particular artisanal fisheries management advice requested by Kaupule
· Undertake regular self-training using books, electronic or other sources to learn the scientific names of all fished resources, continuously improving personal knowledge as time goes on;
· Carefully maintaining all data collected, checking them, ensuring they are complete, storing them safely and sending them to Funafuti with each vessel trip to the island;
· Attending meetings with fishers, the Kaupule, Falekaupule or community held by Coastal staff from Funafuti during their regular metronome trips;
· Assisting with logistics and surveys being carried out by Coastal Staff during their regular metronome trips. This may include additional creel surveys, but may also include other kinds of surveys such as on boats, canoes, assets, conservation areas, FADs or other activities;
· Carrying out any other fisheries-related tasks as may be assigned by the PFO or SFO.

Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of this assignment are better deliveries of activities on outer islands to ensure that TFD is able to adequately meet its responsibilities for monitoring and managing coastal fisheries on which the island communities depend. The replacement officer will extend the capabilities of the TFD, so that the outer islands are fully-included in fisheries activities and concerns.

Qualifications and basis for evaluation (Evaluation Criteria)
The contractor must have:
· Diploma or Certificate in Fisheries Management/Fisheries Science or related discipline
· Very good cultural skills and ability be effective in traditional processes or environments
· Very good communication skills with an ability to interact with outer-island stakeholders, in particular artisanal fishers
· Ability and willingness to participate in field work in the outer islands as an when needed
· Excellent organisational and time management skills
· Basic technical knowledge of fisheries stock assessment, setting management objectives and fisheries management tools
· Diligent with an attention to detail
· Basic computer skills
· Good command of written and spoken English
· Able to adapt to changing requirements and situations
· Ability to meet deadlines for reporting.

Desirable qualifications and skills:
· Fisheries Management and data analysis experience

Duration of the Assignment and Estimated Time Inputs
The assignment will be for 10 months. Condition and rules of the GAO are applied once contract has been signed. The officer will be based on Funafuti and work closely with the outer island team under the Coastal Fisheries Section. The starting date of the assignment will be no later than 1st March 2018.

Reporting Requirements
The replacement officer is expected to submit a monthly report to the SFO Management (Outer Islands). The report will be submitted on the last day of each month outlining key achievement, tasks completed and any issues encountered.

Terms & Conditions
· Remuneration will be at level 6/7 of the government salary structure.
· Employer’s National Provident Fund (NPF) contribution of 10% of salary will also be paid.
· Equipment needed for this assignment will be provided by TFD.

Applications for this position should addressed to the Director, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources, Private Mail Bag, Funafuti, or email to or Applications should include a cover letter, explaining the applicant’s reasons and motivation for applying for the assignment, official transcript as well as curriculum vitae which details the applicant’s education, qualifications and work experiences.

The closing date for applications is the close of business 20th February 2018. Applications after this time will not be considered.

Closed: Local Information Technology Consultant (15/2/18)

PROPThe Government of Tuvalu has received financing from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility to participate in the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP). The objective of the PROP is to strengthen the management of selected Pacific Island oceanic and coastal fisheries, and the critical habitats upon which they depend. This will provide the basis for sustainable and increased economic benefits from this resource. PROP comprises of four components: (i) Sustainable management of oceanic fisheries; (ii) Sustainable management of coastal fisheries; (iii) Sustainable financing of the conservation of critical fishery habitats; and (iv) Regional Coordination, Implementation Support and Program Management.

TFD has recently opened its new office building with the PROP project financing the information technology system for the new building. To maintain this system for a very a long time, TFD requires the service of a well-qualified Local IT Consultant to oversee the whole system.

The key responsibilities and main duties of the position is outlined in attachment 1. Qualification and experience in attachment 2, and additional information in attachment 3. The position is graded at Level 4 of the 2018 Government Salary Scale. Applications for this position should addressed to the Director, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources, Private Mail Bag, Funafuti, or email to or

Applications should include a cover letter, explaining the applicant’s reasons and motivation for applying for the assignment, official transcript as well as curriculum vitae which details the applicant’s education, qualifications and work experiences. The closing date for applications is the close of business 15th February 2018. Applications after this time will not be considered. Please note that this position will be recruited locally. Applicants from overseas will require to cover the cost of their own travel to Funafuti in order to take up the position.

Download the full job description: Local IT Consultant – Job description

Replacement of the RV Manaui TFD extension vessel

P2170064The Tuvalu Fisheries Department currently has two vessels for carrying out its activities within the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and outer islands. These are the 18m RV Manaui and 32m RV Tala Moana. The vessels are used for deploying fish aggregating devices (FADs), visiting outer islands for monitoring and consultations, transporting equipment and as a staging platform for research. They are also available for charter by third parties and for charters. The Tala Moana was procured through the UNDP NAPA2 Project in December 2015, but the Manaui was procured through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on 13th January 1989, and at 29 years of service is nearing the end of its life. The Japan Government provided Manaui I through the assistance of a consortium of Japanese companies comprising Sumitomo Corporation and the Nishinippon F.R.D. Shipbuilding Company Ltd. Over the years, the Manaui was maintained with the on-going assistance of Japan’s Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF). The Government of Tuvalu has requested assistance to replace the old Manaui with a new vessel more suited to the changing role of fisheries in the country.

A team of four experts from the Japan Fisheries Engineering Co., Ltd. and their leader visited Funafuti in January on a fact-finding mission to identify needs and existing facilities so that the new Manaui can be designed. The Team was hired by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to conduct the survey and consult with representatives from the Government of Tuvalu including, Heads of the Ministry of Natural Resources and senior staff of the Fisheries Department. The team arrived in early January and spent three weeks on Funafuti doing their survey and consultancy works.

The proposal to replace the old Manaui is timely because it is more suited to experimental fishing than research and monitoring and many of its systems have started breaking down, requiring increasing periods on the slip for maintenance. Despite the old age and frequent breakdowns of the MV Manaui, she has played a good role within the department of executing of trips within Tuvalu including trips involving Government official, development projects, charters and fisheries sector work. One of the officials from Japan who assessed the status of the old Manaui, confirmed that the vessel has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced.

Fisheries New Office Building now Complete

clip_image002There were more than two hundred guest at the opening ceremony of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department’s (TFD) new office building, including the guest of honour, Mr Matt Howell from the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFAT), the Governor General, Prime Minister and Ministers of respected ministries within the Government of Tuvalu. Also present were TFD fisheries partners including, SAJO industries Co. Ltd., Shilla fishing company, Dongwon Industries, RD Corporation, CKP, Hansung Enterprise Co., Ltd., the manager of the Overseas Fisheries Corporation Foundation OFCF, Tuvalu island leaders and retired staff of the TFD. The opening ceremony was hosted by the Minister of Natural Resources, Dr Puakena Boreham. The opening ceremony program was started at 10am in the morning at Teone, in a tent on the ocean side of the new office building.

The ceremony started with speeches from the Honourable Minister of Natural Resources and the Director of Fisheries. The Director of Fisheries mentioned in his speech “how important the new building is to the Fisheries department, as the scatter of fisheries officers among six separate offices prevented effective communications and personnel management”. He also thanked the New Zealand Government, not forgetting the company who built the building, Timber Construction Solutions (TCS), for their assistance and support in the construction of the new fisheries operations centre which is finally now in shape.

All invited guests took a tour of the new building after it been blessed and the ribbon cut. The Honourable Sir Iakopa Taeia Italeli, Governor General and Mr Howell of MFAT cut the ribbon of the new Fisheries Operations Centre.

The program continued with feasting prepared by the Nanumaga community and TFD staffs which are sea foods. There were also entertainment from young local dancers and fatele (Tuvalu local dance) from the Nukufetau island community. Local gift were presented to invited guest (foreigners) during the fatele. The program ended with a closing speech from the Ministry of Natural Resources Permanent Secretary, Mr Niko Apinelu.

The new Fisheries Operations Centre is part of TFD’s objectives planned over the past four years. Assistance was provided by the Fisheries Technical Advisor, and Inshore Fisheries Advisers who were also funded by MFAT. Originally the new building was to be completed by the end of 2015 but due to unexpected delays was not completed till December 2017. The new facility includes not only office space but also a conference room, vessel monitoring system (VMS) room, dive bay, wet and dry lab, and a storage/ work area for FAD construction and practical training courses.

The new TFD building was funded by the New Zealand Government, with IT equipment procured using World Bank funds as part of the Pacific Regional Oceanscape Programme (PROP) and office furniture co-funded by MFAT and the Government of Tuvalu.