Closed: Request for Quotations: Consultancy on minor engineering works at Fisheries

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced national consultants to design and cost minor engineering works at the Tuvalu Fisheries Department site at Teone. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) can be downloaded at Timing and […]

Closed:Expressions of interest : National Consultant- Operation & Development

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include overseeing the effective implementation of the Operation and Development Section of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, manage […]

Closed: Expressions of Interest: Tuvalu Translator

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is seeking an eligible Tuvaluan citizen to indicate his/her interest in undertaking the service of translating the English version of information materials on seafood handling into Tuvalu version. The document is five 2-page leaflets (including pictures), a total of 2,770 words. The successful applicant should be fluent in both languages, have […]

Safe fishing and crew employment workshop: Recruitment of Tuvalu sea farer on Tuvalu-flagged seine vessels

Participants of the Office of the Attorney General, Marine Police, Tuvalu Maritime Training Institution TMTI, the Ministry of Labour, Fishing Vessel Agents, Crewing Agents and the Tuvalu Seafarers’ Union (TOSU) with TFD staff held a workshop on safe fishing and crew employment last week on Wednesday. The workshop focused on the employment of crew on […]

Closed: Application for Fisheries Observers

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department will be conducting a 5 weeks Fisheries Observer Basic Training Course starting on the 23rd of November this year, 2020 and are now inviting applications from interested Tuvalu citizens. Fisheries Observers work aboard commercial fishing vessels, where they are the eyes and ears of our Tuvalu Government. They collect biological and […]

Closed: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: National Consultant – Operation and Development(28/7/2020)

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include overseeing the effective implementation of the Operation and Development Section of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, manage […]

Closed: Request for expressions of interest: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)(24/7/2020)

The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) invites applications from exceptional candidates to fill the vital role of CEO of the PNA Office. The successful candidate will have superior and relevant skills and qualifications, with extensive senior management and financial management experience, a focus on good governance, and the ability to run the office in […]

Closed: Forum Fisheries Agency: 3 Vacant Post

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) is inviting applications for the following positions:   1. Director Fisheries Development (Re-advertised) Director to lead the Fisheries Development Division. This is an executive leadership position responsible for managing the work of the Fisheries Development Division in delivering high quality fisheries economics, development, trade and investment advice and […]

Tuvalu Fisheries Department on the move to draft the crewing Policy & Regulation

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department TFD organized a consultation with stakeholders together with the help from the Forum Fisheries Agency FFA, to put in place a crewing policy and regulation. Mr Mike Betty the new Fisheries Adviser, Mr Isala Tito Isala the TFD legal officer and Mr Tion Nabau with Leonard Rodwell, consultants from FFA facilitated […]