CLOSED: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Consultancy for the Design, Drawings, Cost Estimation and Supervision of new buildings for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Tuvalu Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the following consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include the designing, drawing, cost estimating and supervision of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department – Training […]

Tuvalu Observers boost their knowledge in electronic reporting

Over 30 Tuvalu observers were trained in electronic-reporting (e-reporting) utilizing the iFIMS Observer app on tablets last week. Herman Kisokau, a staff member of the iFIMS Inc. from PNG, led the zoom training. The zoom session lasted the full week. Currently, Tuvalu observers use paper worksheets to gather their data while onboard at work. Their […]

Safe fishing and crew employment workshop: Recruitment of Tuvalu sea farer on Tuvalu-flagged seine vessels

Participants of the Office of the Attorney General, Marine Police, Tuvalu Maritime Training Institution TMTI, the Ministry of Labour, Fishing Vessel Agents, Crewing Agents and the Tuvalu Seafarers’ Union (TOSU) with TFD staff held a workshop on safe fishing and crew employment last week on Wednesday. The workshop focused on the employment of crew on […]

Tuvalu Fisheries goes further with National Observer Programme train the trainer.

Tuvalu Technical Adviser on the Observer Programme, Manoi Kutan and Gagati Falaima, Acting Coordinator of Observers, have been working to strengthen the National Observer Programme through a train the trainer programme with lead assessors. The introduction to the training was held last week. The National Observer Program in Tuvalu TVNOP has over 70 observers but […]

New Zealand continue it support to TFD

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department  TFD Senior Management staff and other stakeholders held a video conference with the design consultants for the next phase of New Zealand support for the fisheries sector. The consultants are Ian Cartwright in Tasmania and Kirsty Burnett in Wellington. Participants from other agencies were from the Ministry of Finance (The Planning […]

Closed: Application for Fisheries Observers

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department will be conducting a 5 weeks Fisheries Observer Basic Training Course starting on the 23rd of November this year, 2020 and are now inviting applications from interested Tuvalu citizens. Fisheries Observers work aboard commercial fishing vessels, where they are the eyes and ears of our Tuvalu Government. They collect biological and […]

Closed: Extension of Deadline for Applications: Request for Expressions of Interest: National Consultant – Operation and Development

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include overseeing the effective implementation of the Operation and Development Section of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, manage […]

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Review Consultant – GEF Completion Note of Tuvalu PROP

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include a thorough review of the GEF grant for PROP, analyzing the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of […]

Closed: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: National Consultant – Operation and Development(28/7/2020)

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include overseeing the effective implementation of the Operation and Development Section of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, manage […]