Safe fishing and crew employment workshop: Recruitment of Tuvalu sea farer on Tuvalu-flagged seine vessels

IMG_0074Participants of the Office of the Attorney General, Marine Police, Tuvalu Maritime Training Institution TMTI, the Ministry of Labour, Fishing Vessel Agents, Crewing Agents and the Tuvalu Seafarers’ Union (TOSU) with TFD staff held a workshop on safe fishing and crew employment last week on Wednesday.

The workshop focused on the employment of crew on fishing vessels. This is a significant opportunity for Tuvaluans, as jobs in merchant shipping have been slumping recently. However, fishing vessels can be a dangerous and low-paid working environment and the importance of this workshop is to ensure that any jobs are worthwhile and safe.

Staff from the Fish Safety Foundation of the New Zealand (an NGO) were expected to come to Tuvalu and present the workshop materials on safe legal fishing. Because of COVID-19, it was not possible and the Department of Fisheries was asked to organize the workshop.

The workshop was moderated by TFD staff Mike Batty, Fisheries Adviser and Isala Tito Isala, Fisheries Legal Adviser. They combined Fish Safety Foundation materials with an update on national crewing policies and regulations.

The government is committed to promoting work opportunities on fishing vessels. New provisions for Tuvalu-flagged purse seine vessels will create 30 jobs for Tuvaluan crew in 2021. There are new incentives for foreign flag purse seiners to hire Tuvaluans; and there are also pilot schemes in Australia and New Zealand. The new policy and regulation lay down the conditions for employment to ensure that crew are paid a reasonable wage and are properly cared for by the employer.

Mike Batty, Fisheries Adviser, said, “The workshop went well with good discussion on the merits of Tuvalu joining a number of international agreements on standards for fishing crew. There was a lot of interest in the opportunities for employment, but it is good that we approach these from a starting point of ensuring safe and worthwhile jobs”.

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department would like to thank the Fish Safety Foundation for meeting the costs of lunch and refreshments for the workshop, as well as providing very useful information and materials for the presentations.

Tuvalu Fisheries goes further with National Observer Programme train the trainer.

IMG_0039Tuvalu Technical Adviser on the Observer Programme, Manoi Kutan and Gagati Falaima, Acting Coordinator of Observers, have been working to strengthen the National Observer Programme through a train the trainer programme with lead assessors. The introduction to the training was held last week.

The National Observer Program in Tuvalu TVNOP has over 70 observers but does not have national observer trainers to provide training for observers in the country. Therefore, these trainee trainers have been identified to learn how to carry out this training. The program provides one-time training only.

The course of study is an innovation in that it combines the University of the South Pacific Certificate IV in training and evaluation with the certified Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Observer Trainer training.

Manoi Kutan, Tuvalu Fisheries Technical Advisor for Observers, said: “The training will make it possible for candidates to continue their training by participating in sub-regional training for certified trainers. They will require six attachments (on-the-job-training) as required under PIRFO Trainer certification requirement before they can be certified as PRIRFO trainers.”

This train-the-trainer programme is one of the professional paths of the observer programme. When qualified, these trainers will also be able to train other Pacific Islanders in other countries.

New Zealand continue it support to TFD

TFSP meetingThe Tuvalu Fisheries Department  TFD Senior Management staff and other stakeholders held a video conference with the design consultants for the next phase of New Zealand support for the fisheries sector. The consultants are Ian Cartwright in Tasmania and Kirsty Burnett in Wellington. Participants from other agencies were from the Ministry of Finance (The Planning and Budget Unit), Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute, the PROP Project, NAFICOT, NZ MFAT Aid Programme and the President of the Fishermen on Funafuti Association FOFA. Mr Falasese Tupau, Acting CEO of the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade chaired the meeting.

The main purpose of the video conference/meeting was to brief participants on the design of the Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme TFSP Phase 2 and take on board any feedback. The project has been approved in principle by NZ MFAT, and this meeting was held to help finalise the design document of the second phase of this Project, which is in line with the Tuvalu Fisheries Corporate Plan 2020 – 2022 priority objectives. The video conference held at the Sir Tomasi Puapua Convention Centre yesterday the 20th October 2020.

The New Zealand Aid Programme has provided support to the Fisheries sector in Tuvalu for the past five years through the Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme TFSP (Phase 1). This has included the construction of the new TFD office at Teone, a range of equipment and short consultancies and technical advisers. The new project will build on the success of phase 1, but with more focus on developing fishing activities and increasing fish supplies in Tuvalu.

It is planned that the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade MFAT will sign a grant funding arrangement with Tuvalu for the new 5-year project this year in December, with project activities starting at the beginning of 2021.

Closed: Application for Fisheries Observers

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department will be conducting a 5 weeks Fisheries Observer Basic Training Course starting on the 23rd of November this year, 2020 and are now inviting applications from interested Tuvalu citizens.

Fisheries Observers work aboard commercial fishing vessels, where they are the eyes and ears of our Tuvalu Government. They collect biological and compliance data that assists scientists, fisheries enforcement officers and economists to provide the advice and support that managers need to make wise decisions on the future use of this important resource.

The work is rewarding and challenging, requiring dedicated, honest and tough individuals, who can work long hours, can be away from home long periods and often in very difficult conditions at sea and can communicate and interact well with different people while at the same time, be considerate and conscious of the sensitivity of the environment they are working in.

Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites applications from both genders (both Male and Female) Tuvalu citizens for this up-coming training.

Applicants must meet the following minimal requirements:

  • Age: Applicants must be at least 18 years of age (minimum age), but not above 45 years (maximum age)
  • Birth Certificate or Passport: Applicants must provide a copy of their Birth Certificate or copy of their passport biodata page to be attached with their application form when submitting.
  • Education: Applicants must have at least completed Form 6 or equivalent to Form 6 level of Education.
  • Academic Confirmation; Applicants must provide a copy of their School certificate or a written and signed document from the Ministry of Education or their former school Principal confirmation their level of Education attained.
  • Police Clearance: Applicants must provide a Police Clearance record to be attached with their application form when submitting.
  • Physical Fitness: Applicants must be fit and have no medical condition that may cause problems in the job; successful applicants will need to undergo a medical examination before they are confirmed for the course. A Medical Certificate will be required from successful applicants once he or she has been selected to attend the training.
  • Language: English is the Business Language of this profession and thus, it is encouraging that applicants must be able to write and speak English to a minimum level of acceptance
  • Citizenship: Must be a Citizen of Tuvalu

* When submitting an application, applicants must ensure that they have attached the following documents:

  1. The application form itself
  2. Police clearance certificate or document
  3. Birth Certificate or Passport Bio Data Page (photo page)
  4. Form 6 certificate or written and signed document confirming the level of Education attained. Page 2 of 2

N.B: Completion of this course does not lead to full-time employment. Successful candidates achieving satisfactory results will be awarded a Pacific Island Regional Fisheries Observer (PIRFO) Recognized Certificate that will qualify them to take up contracts with Tuvalu Observer Programme and other Regional and Sub-regional Observer Service Providers.

Tuvalu Fisheries Department currently offers a contract for observer services on a trip-by-trip basis.


  • All applicants must be physically present in Funafuti to await confirmation of their applications.
  • Entry test will only be conducted in Funafuti on the 18th November, the week after the closing date for all successful applicants.
  • Selected applicants will then be invited to attend the PIRFO Observer Basic Training starting on the 23rd November 2020.

Application Forms can be collected at Tuvalu Fisheries Department Office at Teone, Funafuti on working hours only OR you can download it here:

All applications should be addressed to: The Director of Fisheries Tuvalu Fisheries Department, “Fisheries Basic Observer Training” Teone, FUNAFUTI Tuvalu For further enquiries, contact Ph: 20343

Closing Date of Applications is 13th November 2020 at 4 pm

Closed: Extension of Deadline for Applications: Request for Expressions of Interest: National Consultant – Operation and Development

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include overseeing the effective implementation of the Operation and Development Section of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, manage and coordinate  the operations of the Manaui and Tala Moana vessels, provide accurate information, analysis and advice on fisheries operations issues, provide oversight and inputs in training development of the section and other activities. The consultant is expected to work outside hours if the need arises. The position is expected to be filled by the end of the month.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following link:

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, official copies of certificates and transcripts etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the experience and qualifications of individuals shall be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:

  • Qualifications
  • Relevant experiences
  • Skills and Abilities

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition)

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V of the Consultant Guidelines. Firms expressing interest and proposing the name of an individual for the assignment should take note of paragraph 5.5 of the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained from this address: PROP, Fisheries Department, Alapi, Funafuti or send an email to: OR above during office hours from 0800 to 1600 hours.

Expressions of interest must be addressed to: Director of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Trade, Teone, Funafuti and be delivered in a written form to the same address (in person, or by e-mail: OR before/by October 14th, 2020.

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Review Consultant – GEF Completion Note of Tuvalu PROP

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include a thorough review of the GEF grant for PROP, analyzing the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of methods and mechanisms adopted for the implementation of its objectives, analyze the financial alignment under the project component and assess the use of funds matches the progress, efficacy, quality, and timeliness of procurement and disbursement activities, identify and document lessons learnt during project implementation, make recommendations on findings and prepare a Completion Note and PowerPoint presentation for TFD and World Bank. This assignment requires 20 days to complete and is expected to start as soon as possible.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be downloaded from this link:

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the experience and qualifications of individuals shall be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:

i) Qualification and Experience;
ii) Familiarity with GEF financed projects;
iii) Understanding of international and regional fisheries instruments.

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated 2011 (revised in July 2014) (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V of the Consultant Guidelines. Firms expressing interest and proposing the name of an individual for the assignment should take note of paragraph 5.5 of the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained from this address: PROP, Fisheries Department, Alapi, Funafuti or send an email to: OR during office hours 0800 to 1600 hours.

Expressions of interest must be addressed to: Director of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Trade, Alapi, Funafuti and be delivered in a written form to the above address (in person, or by e-mail) by Friday 28, 2020.

Ciguatera Report First Half of 2020: And a Warning

A new ciguatera report was produced by the Coastal Section on 21st July. The report summarizes the results of monitoring of toxic dinoflagellates, that was carried out at twenty three sites in Funafuti Lagoon during the first half of 2020.

Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is caused by the consumption, by humans, of fish that have accumulated toxins originating from bottom-dwelling toxic dinoflagellates, such as Gambierdiscus toxicus and other related species. Dinoflagellates are single-celled marine micro-algae, mostly between 50 and 100 microns across. The toxins they produce, namely gambiertoxins, are transformed into more potent forms (ciguatoxins) as they move through the marine food web.

Distribution and abundance during 2nd Qtr, 2020

The main findings of the study were that significantly higher counts of toxic dinoflagellates were found during the first part of 2020 (and particularly in the 2nd quarter), compared with the past 3 years, suggesting that a new outbreak might be building. It was recommended that Tuvalu Fisheries now urgently carries out a public awareness programme to remind people of the nature and causes of ciguatera and to inform them of the areas most likely to be toxic and the species of fishes most likely to be dangerous.

Table of average density of potentially toxic dinoflagellates per 100g of host algae for second quarter (June 23-25th, 2020). The colour scale shows high, moderate and low densities for Gambierdiscus toxicus. The other species are Prorocentrum lima, P. concavum and Ostreopsis sp.

The study is part of on-going monitoring of the distribution and abundance of toxic dinoflagellates to provide early warning to the population of Funafuti. The goal is that fishermen can avoid toxic areas of reef and therefore try to prevent further cases of poisoning of humans and livestock. It is thought that it takes several (up to 9) months for the toxins to accumulate or decrease in response to changes in the abundance of the micro-algae that produce them. This means that monitoring numbers can provide lead time before fish become toxic, and allows for the identification of areas of reef currently producing the toxins. Radio shows, posters and public meetings are being organised to inform the communities of the risk.

Closed: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: National Consultant – Operation and Development(28/7/2020)

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include overseeing the effective implementation of the Operation and Development Section of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, manage and coordinate the operations of the Manaui and Tala Moana vessels, provide accurate information, analysis and advice on fisheries operations issues, provide oversight and inputs in training development of the section and other activities. The consultant is expected to work outside hours if the need arises. The position is expected to be filled by the end of the month.

Download the detailed Terms Of Reference (TOR) for the assignment here:

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, official copies of certificates and transcripts etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the experience and qualifications of individuals shall be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:

· Qualifications

· Relevant experiences

· Skills and Abilities

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition)

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V of the Consultant Guidelines. Firms expressing interest and proposing the name of an individual for the assignment should take note of paragraph 5.5 of the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained from this address: PROP, Fisheries Department, Alapi, Funafuti or email to: OR  during office hours from 0900 to 1600 hours.

Expressions of interest must be addressed to: Director of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries & Trade, Alapi, Funafuti and be delivered in a written form to the same address (in person, or by e-mail: OR ) by July 28, 2020.

Closed: Request for expressions of interest: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)(24/7/2020)

CaptureThe Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) invites applications from exceptional candidates to fill the vital role of CEO of the PNA Office. The successful candidate will have superior and relevant skills and qualifications, with extensive senior management and financial management experience, a focus on good governance, and the ability to run the office in a business-like manner.

The CEO reports to the Parties through a complex governance structure that includes senior officials, Ministers, and country leaders.  The CEO is responsible for leading and directing the PNA Office to deliver on the PNA Strategic Plan and the PNA Office Business Plan in accordance with principles of good governance.

Key Responsibilities:

· Administer the PNA Office in a business-like manner with a strong emphasis on financial control and providing high level support to the Parties so they can achieve their objectives

· Participate as a member at meetings of the PNA providing high level advice and guidance to Parties, including the Chair, Senior Officials, Ministers and Leaders

· Develop and obtain agreement to:

· plans for commercial opportunities and investments

· strategic and business plans

· annual operating budget and work programmes

· policies, procedures, and legislation

· Oversee the implementation of the Vessel Day Scheme, the FSM Arrangement, the PNA Observer Agency (POA), the Pacifical Program, and MSC accreditations

· Ensure the PNA Office operates in a cost-effective manner

· Build and maintain external relationships with government and private enterprise organisations

· Build and maintain relationships with the Forum Fisheries Agencies (FFA), the Pacific Community (SPC), and the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)

· Ensure effective collaboration and cooperation in the establishment and ongoing operations of FIMS Inc

· Answerable to PNA meetings and is directly responsible for organising meetings and progressing directions and decisions of meetings

· Implementation of the PNA Office annual budget and workplan.

Essential Requirements:

· Tertiary qualification in fisheries science, fisheries economics, fisheries law, fisheries management, business management, commerce or other relevant discipline, with a relevant post graduate qualification preferred

· Minimum 10 years’ experience in senior management positions with proven hands-on leadership, financial management, administration, and human resource management, with extensive knowledge of the tuna industry

· Extensive experience in formulation of budgets and plans including extensive knowledge and experience in project management

· Experience and ability to communicate effectively with public and private sector leaders

· Demonstrated commitment to ethical business practices, fraud prevention, and a workplace free from harassment and discrimination

· Ability to manage and work well in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams with good analytical skills

· Ability to adapt to change with commitment and personal accountability

· Appropriate and relevant professional and technical expertise, including staying abreast of professional changes and development.

The successful applicant will be based in Majuro, Marshall Islands and will be offered a three-year contract with an attractive benefits package including tax free base salary, superannuation, relocation, travel, accommodation, and education allowances. A further contract of up to three years may be offered subject to satisfactory performance.

It is the stated preference of the Parties to appoint a citizen from one of the eight PNA countries or Tokelau, however, the position is merit based and other citizens may apply.


Please visit the PNA website:

Follow the website instructions and forward the completed application form to Vanguard International highlighting;

(i) your capabilities and experiences against the position essential requirements

(ii) an updated CV

(iii) name, relevant position, telephone, and email details for three current referees

(iv) current Police clearance

If you have any questions, please call PNA office on (+675) 7500 7500 or email us with the title “PNA Office Chief Executive Officer” to

Applications close COB Friday 24th July 2020

Incomplete and late applications may be deemed invalid and excluded from consideration.

Only applicants called for interview by the Parties will be contacted.

Closed: Vacancy Announcement: PROP Project Officer (09/06/2020)

The Government of Tuvalu has received financing from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility to participate in the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP). The objective of the PROP is to strengthen the management of selected Pacific Island oceanic and coastal fisheries, and the critical habitats upon which they depend. This will provide the basis for sustainable and increased economic benefits from this resource. PROP comprises of four components: (i) Sustainable management of oceanic fisheries; (ii) Sustainable management of coastal fisheries; (iii) Sustainable financing of the conservation of critical fishery habitats; and (iv) Regional Coordination, Implementation Support and Program Management.

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) is the implementing agency for PROP in Tuvalu. To support the project implementation, TFD requires the services of a Project Officer (PO) established in the national project management unit (PMU). The Project Officer will be responsible for procurement activities; general administration to ensure project documentations are retained and properly filed; and logistical requirements of the project where he/she will provide support in arranging travels, workshops, etc. The officer will be based in Funafuti and will report to the PROP Project Coordinator.

Specific details of duties and responsibilities, Terms and condition for this position are shown below 1. Required qualifications and attributes in attachment 2 with additional information in attachment 3. These information can be downloaded from

Qualified Tuvalu citizens are eligible to apply. Applications must include a cover letter, explaining the applicant’s reasons and motivation for applying; a curriculum vitae (CV) detailing the applicant’s education, qualifications and experience; and certified copies of transcript and certificate to support the application.

All applications should be addressed and sent to the: Director of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and Trade, Teone, Funafuti, OR email to

The closing date for applications will be the close of business on the 9th June, 2020.

Late applications will not be considered.


The Project Officer (PO) will report to the PROP National Project Coordinator and under the following duties:

Procurement Related Duties

With support and guidance from the World Bank Procurement Specialist, the PO will work with the PROP Project Coordinator and Tuvalu Fisheries Department staff on procurement requirements of the project. The PO will ensure that all procurement is conducted in accordance with the provisions in the legal agreements between the World Bank and the Government of Tuvalu.

a. Procurement Management

  • Monitor the implementation of and keep up to date the project procurement plan; 
  • Assist in the preparation of procurement activities for goods, works and services as appropriate including: drafting technical specifications, Invitations to Quote, bidding documents, terms of reference and draft contracts;
  • Assist with any clearances processes from relevant government agencies and/or the World Bank task team;
  • Assist with the procurement process including advertising, receiving bids/proposals, drafting no objection requests for the Project Coordinator; organizing evaluation committees and publishing results of tender processes as relevant; 
  • Coordinate with the Project Accountant on procurement activities to ensure alignment and availability of budget; 
  • Stay informed about any new regulations affecting procurement under the project. Periodically consulting as needed the Program Operations Manual and proposing modification or updates of this document as needed;
  • Stay informed about relevant government regulations including, tax regulations, customs regulations and any procurement regulations that may apply to the project.

b. Vendor/Contract Management 

  • Maintain a list of vendors supplying general items for project implementation;
  • Check invoices to ensure correct price, follow through to ensure that materials ordered have been received and comply with specifications, examine the conditions of material received, and approve invoices for payment;
  • Interact with the Project Accountant in the monitoring of the correct and timely payment to contractors and consultants, according to the contract provisions;
  • Assist the PROP National Project Coordinator or other designated persons in the administration of the contract according to the provisions of the contract and procurement regulations.

c. Procurement Reporting and Outputs 

  • Monitor and report the procurement implementation status and progress to the National Project Coordinator, TFD and the World Bank as required. 
  • Assist with the preparation of a quarterly procurement status report. 
  • Assist the PROP National Project Coordinator in the preparation of any procurement related reports required by the Project. 
  • Maintaining safe, complete, updated, organized and easily retrievable filing system for procurement records and retains those records during the time established by the donors and local regulations. 
  • Maintain an asset register for items procured under the project.

General Administration and Logistics Duties

Under the direction of the PROP National Project Coordinator provide administrative and logistical support to the program as needed, activities include: 

  • Filing of all project related documents;
  • Assist the PROP National Project Coordinator with project reporting requirements; 
  • Assist the PROP National Project Accountant with the preparation of project payments, including delivery of project documents to stakeholders in Funafuti, arranging for signatures by authorised officers, and other errands as required; 
  • Arrange project related travel; 
  • Logistical and administrative support to consultants and technical advisors engaged under the PROP; 
  • Undertake shopping for goods and services associated with incremental operating costs; 
  • Scheduling meetings/programs for incoming visits or outgoing trips; 
  • Arrange workshops, conferences, meetings;
  • Contribute to project communications activities and outreach, including drafting short briefs and summaries of results achieved under the project; 
  • Other duties as required under the direction of the PROP National Project Coordinator.


Position Profile

The position requires high quality professional work for management of project administration and procurement. The position also requires good judgement, integrity and ability to come up with innovative solutions to project procurement issues. Essential qualifications at this level include a degree, diploma or other appropriate tertiary qualification as well as relevant experienced commensurate with the job.

Required Qualification and Experience

  • Tertiary education from a recognized institution in Business Administration, Commerce or other relevant degree. 
  • Minimum of two (2) years relevant experience. 
  • Experience working in a team environment. Fluency in written and spoken English, and ability to communicate clearly through e-mail and formal correspondence. 
  • Competency in the use of computer applications, especially MS Office and Excel.

Additional Desirable Requirements:

  • Ability to learn quickly. 
  • Organized and detail oriented person. 
  • Demonstrated ability to work under pressure. 
  • Experience in procurement (desirable, but not mandatory as the selected candidate will receive immediate intensive training in procurement). 
  • Familiarity with the use of internet services to seek product specifications and obtain quotations or cost estimates. 
  • Possess a valid driving license for a motor bike and car.


Terms and Conditions of Employment


This is a full time ‘Contract Officer’ position. The appointment will be for an initial four months with view of extension.

At the end of 4-months, the contractor’s performance will be reviewed. If satisfactory, a contract extension for 23 months will then be issued


Remuneration for this position will be at Level 5 of the Tuvalu Civil Service Salary Structure for 2020, plus a 20% loading to cover incidental costs (including personal transportation) and to account for the nonpermanent nature of the position. The salary band within Level 5 will be agreed with the successful applicant based on qualifications and experience.

Payments will be made at the rate of 1/26th of the agreed remuneration rate per fortnight.

The amount of remuneration will be fixed for this period.

The level of remuneration may be renegotiated after 2 years in the event of contract renewal.

Other benefits

  • Employer’s National Provident Fund contribution (10% of salary); 
  • A housing allowance of $6,000 per contract year, payable at $230.77/ fortnight; 
  • A utility allowance or entitlement of $2,300 per contract year payable at $191.67/ monthly as reimbursable on submission of invoice or receipts; 
  • 30 working days annual leave per year. Annual leave may not be accumulated between years, and if not taken will be lost; 
  • Annual leave passage entitlement of $2,000 payable annually as reimbursable on submission of invoice or receipts; and 
  • Maximum of 10 working days sick leave per year.

Office facilities

The PROP Office will provide space, office furniture, computer equipment, stationery, internet access and other facilities required for the effective performance of the contractor’s duties.


The contractor will responsible for his/ her own transportation as required to attend the office.


When the contractor is required to travel for professional purposes within Tuvalu or internationally, boat or air tickets and other travel costs will be paid directly by the PROP. The contractor’s accommodation costs and other expenses will be covered by the PROP using Tuvalu Government per diem rates.

Key PROP Reference Documents

  • Project Documents: PROP Project Appraisal Document (PAD) and Program Operational Manual (POM) 
  •  Annual Planning: PROP national project budget and procurement plan; and annual work plan 
  • Legal Agreements: PROP Financing and Grant Agreements between the World Bank and Tuvalu, including the Disbursement Letter and the Service Agreement between Tuvalu and FFA. 
  • Environmental and Social Safeguards: PROP Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF).

These and other relevant documents can be downloaded from the Tuvalu Fisheries Department web site  Underlined documents are still being finalized and will be made available as soon as possible.