CLOSED: REREQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Consultant to examine threats and opportunities provided by tuna transshipment in Funafuti lagoon – Re-Advertise

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. This consulting services (“the Services”) requires the consultant to describe the practices related to transhipment, examine the impacts both positive and negatives […]

Closed : Vacancy: Nui Data Collector for Tuvalu Fisheries Department

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is inviting suitably qualified young persons of a minimum age of 18 years to fill the vacant position of Nui island Data Collector for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department. Applicants must be physically and mentally fit and should be permanent residents of the island of Nui and/or Nukulaelae, as the selection will […]

Closed : Vacancy: Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme 2 Project Manager

The TFSP2 project under the Tuvalu Fisheries Department is recruiting a Project Manager who will work closely with the Fisheries Adviser and take on the management of the project over the next year or so. We are looking for a person with a University degree in a subject relevant to Fisheries and/or Project Management. Excellent […]

Application for a Consultant to work with FFA to reform the National Fishing Corporation of Tuvalu (NAFICOT) – Phase III

The proposition is looked for from reasonably qualified and experienced Experts to undertake the proceeded change handle of the NAFICOT. Please click on the provided link here at Signed_CP04_2122 NAFICOT to view full details of the Terms and references, instructions to bidders and as well as FFA Standard Conditions of Contract for this proposal.

Closed: Application for Nukulaelae Data Collector for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is inviting suitably qualified Tuvalu citizens of a minimum age of 18 years to fill the vacant position of Outer Island Data Collectors (OIDCs) for the island of NUKULAELAE. Applicants must be physically and mentally fit and should be permanent residents of the island of Nukulaelae, as the selection will be […]

Newly recruited fisheries officers for Outer-island communities.

7 new community fisheries officers have been recruited by the TFD to manage and develop community fisheries in each of Tuvalu’s main outer islands. The seven new CFOs and the island that will be their work base, are: Panapa Tofiga – Nanumea Ielemia Kapua – Nanumaga Savelio Kaveni – Niutao Sione Tepaa – Nui Amoga […]

Closed: Request for Quotations: Consultancy to provide financial advice to the FOFA Fish Market

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the FAO Fish FAD Project, is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced national consultants to provide advice and mentoring to staff at the FOFA Fish Market in Funafuti in financial management. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be downloaded here at TOR – FOFA […]

Closed: Application for PNAO Policy Manager

The PNA Office (PNAO) is a Majuro, Marshall Islands-based agency responsible for the administration of the Vessel Days Scheme (VDS) for purse seine and longline fishing in the oceanic waters of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement and Tokelau. The Nauru Agreement is an agreement between eight Pacific island countries (Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, […]