Request for Quotations – Minor Works Construction of a Mariculture Hatchery Building at the Fisheries Site, Teone

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand-funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP2), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced local building companies to construct a mariculture hatchery building at the Fisheries site at Teone. This is a ‘labour and plant hire’ contract only. The necessary materials will be provided by […]

TFD Donated canoes for Fetuvalu High School, a fiber glass boat and motor engine for FOFA

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department handed over 4 canoes to Fetuvalu High School and 1 fiberglass boat with 40 hp outboard motor to FOFA on Wednesday the 16th of November 2022. The Director of Fisheries, Samasoni Finikaso signed off a handover form confirmation of donations with the two recipients, FOFA CEO, Ioapo Tapu and Fetuvalu High […]

Closed:INVITATION FOR QUOTATION: Freezer room machinery

The TFSP2 project of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department is seeking quotations for the supply of new machinery for a cold room in the NAFICOT fish market. The equipment required is to replace the refrigeration machinery only for one 25 cubic meter freezer room in Funafuti, the main island of Tuvalu. Note that the freezer room […]

Governance Committee meeting to review progress with the Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 Project (TFSP2)

The New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP2), which started in January 2021, recently held its third six-monthly Governance Committee meeting to review the project’s progress. The meeting, between senior officials of the Tuvalu Ministry of Fisheries and Trade and New Zealand’s MFAT, was held by video conference on 10th June. The […]

Closed: Request for Quotations: Consultancy on minor engineering works at Fisheries

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced national consultants to design and cost minor engineering works at the Tuvalu Fisheries Department site at Teone. The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) can be downloaded at Timing and […]

Safe fishing and crew employment workshop: Recruitment of Tuvalu sea farer on Tuvalu-flagged seine vessels

Participants of the Office of the Attorney General, Marine Police, Tuvalu Maritime Training Institution TMTI, the Ministry of Labour, Fishing Vessel Agents, Crewing Agents and the Tuvalu Seafarers’ Union (TOSU) with TFD staff held a workshop on safe fishing and crew employment last week on Wednesday. The workshop focused on the employment of crew on […]

New Zealand continue it support to TFD

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department  TFD Senior Management staff and other stakeholders held a video conference with the design consultants for the next phase of New Zealand support for the fisheries sector. The consultants are Ian Cartwright in Tasmania and Kirsty Burnett in Wellington. Participants from other agencies were from the Ministry of Finance (The Planning […]