REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Technical Assistance to support the milkfish farming initiative in outer islands, including an infrastructure upgrade to the farming area on Vaitupu.

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received an advance financing from the World Bank/International Development Association (WB/IDA) for the Tuvalu Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program for Economic Resilience (PROPER), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include a firm to support the Tuvalu Fisheries Department in a […]

Re-Advertisement of Vacancy: Vaitupu Community Fisheries Officer (Outer Islands)

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is looking for passionate and dedicated individuals from Vaitupu to join our team as Community Fisheries Officers. In this role, you will collaborate with your local community in the outer island to support the management and development of fisheries in your community. If you are a Form Six graduate with good […]

Tuvalu Secures Boost in Fisheries Revenue with US Treaty Amendments

Tuvalu has officially ratified the amendments to the United States Treaty on Fisheries, marking a significant step in strengthening its economic and fisheries management efforts. The amendments were signed yesterday by Prime Minister Hon. Feleti Teo, reaffirming Tuvalu’s commitment to the Treaty and its partnership with the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). A Strong History of […]

IKASAVEA Training Empowers Outer Island Data Collectors and Fisheries Officers for Enhanced Data Collection

In a significant step towards advancing fisheries data collection practices, a comprehensive IKASAVEA application training was conducted over a two-week period in the Tuvalu Fisheries Conference Room. The training, facilitated by FAME-SPC Officers Sebastian and Hannah, accompanied by the Coastal Consultant, Aimee, catered to Outer Island Data Collectors, Community Fisheries Officers, and Fisheries Officers. The […]

Request for Expressions of Interest: Recruiting Agents for Fishing Crew

Tuvalu Fisheries Department, on the instructions of the Cabinet, is seeking expressions of interest from Tuvaluan national companies to take on the role of agents to recruit Fishing Crew on Tuvalu flag purse seiners. There are at least 30 positions available for fishing crew for contracts of one year or more. If the initial placements […]

Tuvalu leads the way in ensuring safe and fair fishing: A GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION

In a celebration of commitment to the rights and welfare of fishing crews, Tuvalu stole the spotlight at the WCPFC 20 conference in Rarotonga. Acknowledging the commendable efforts of the Commission, Tuvalu stands shoulder to shoulder with fellow members, voicing support and sharing strides taken to safeguard the rights of those toiling in its Exclusive […]

Tuvalu and Korea Strengthen Ties with Historic Fisheries Cooperation and Aid Project

Funafuti, Tuvalu – A momentous celebration took place last week as Tuvalu and Korea joined hands to commemorate their long-standing and mutually beneficial cooperation, particularly in the flourishing fisheries sector. This historic partnership, rooted in trust and friendship, has been a cornerstone of both nations’ prosperity. Korean fishing vessels have been a common sight in […]

Ten Tuvaluan Crew Members Graduate as Purse Seine Experts

In a significant step towards bolstering its domestic fishing industry and providing employment opportunities for its citizens, Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute (TMTI) and the Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) jointly celebrated the graduation of ten local Tuvaluans as purse seine crew members. This achievement aligns with Tuvalu Fisheries’ primary objectives of nurturing opportunities for Tuvaluan fishing […]

Closed: Vacancy Advertisement: 2 Community Fisheries Officer

Are you passionate about fisheries and eager to make a difference in your community? The TFSP2 project under the Tuvalu Fisheries Department is recruiting two Community Fisheries Officers to work in Niutao and Nukufetau. If you have a strong educational background or seaman training experience and are dedicated to enhancing fisheries management in your home […]

Tuvalu Takes Bold Steps to Access Lucrative EU Fish Market

In a significant development for Tuvalu’s fishing industry, the country has taken critical steps to secure a spot on the European Union (EU) market. Two key initiatives have been launched recently, marking a substantial leap forward for the nation’s aspirations to boost its economic prospects. From August 7th to 18th, 2023, the Institute of Applied […]