Request for Quotations: Local Construction Company to build a Seawall to the Lagoon side of TFD Office

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2, is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced local building companies for some minor construction work to improve the area on the lagoon side of the TFD Office at Teone.

Please see the attached documents for details:

1.     Request for quotations with bid and contract form;

2.     Outline drawings of the work;

3.     A list of materials that will be provided by the TFD;

Or you can pick up a set of these documents free of charge at the TFD Office.

Request for Quotations: Consultancy on Development of a Domestic Tuna longline fishery

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP2), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to advise on the options for development of a domestic tuna longline fishery operating mainly in the Tuvalu EEZ. 

Details are provided in the terms of reference (TOR) attached in the following link –

Tender for shore-based radar equipment

The Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP2) project is seeking tenders for two shore-based radar systems for monitoring of fisheries activities in Funafuti lagoon. Tenders close on 25th August.

Please see the attached invitation in this link ( for bids which includes contact details for more information.”

New Zealand Funded TFSP2 holds its first Governance Committee Meeting

MFAT-logoThe New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase Two (TFSP2), which started in January this year, recently held its first six-monthly Governance Committee meeting to review progress with the project. The meeting, between senior officials of the Tuvalu Ministry of Fisheries and Trade and New Zealand’s MFAT was held by video conference on 27th July.

The meeting noted that the first few months of the project have mainly been devoted to procurement and recruitment activities, but it is now well placed to make progress with a number of important activities in the next six months. These include:

  • Fibreglass boatbuilding – construction of a mold and five new fibreglass trolling skiffs, and training of local boatbuilders in how to make them – materials and tools have been received in Tuvalu and work will start as soon as the first batch of FAO canoes are completed.
  • Community Fisheries Officers for 7 outer islands – advertisement has closed and candidates in four islands have completed the pre-selection test. Once all CFOs have been selected, they will do a 10-week training course in Funafuti.
  • A study of new surveillance technology – the study has been completed and tender documents are now ready for supply of two shore-based radar systems to monitor transhipment in the lagoon and the Funafuti Conservation Area. A trial of satellite surveillance of the EEZ is also planned.
  • Construction of a seawall and hard standing on the lagoon side of the Fisheries Office – designs have been completed and materials ordered;
  • Construction of a mariculture hatchery at the Teone site – designs completed and building materials ordered; tanks, pumps and pipework are already on site.

The programme also supports the position of Fisheries Adviser in Tuvalu, and has just recruited a new Inshore Fisheries Adviser to work with the Coastal Section of the Fisheries Department.

The committee considered a number of studies and consultancies which had been planned for the first year of the project, but have been difficult to arrange due to restrictions on travel during the COVID pandemic. The Committee agreed that all except one of these studies should be kept on hold until the end of the year, in the hope that borders may reopen in 2022.

The Director of Fisheries Mr Samasoni Finikaso, on behalf of the government of Tuvalu, thanked his colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for New Zealand’s continuing support to the Fisheries sector in Tuvalu. This will be particularly important in the months ahead as the World Bank PROP project comes to an end.

Launching of the first new paddling canoe at Fisheries

An FAO boat builder, Tuvaluan boat builder and six boatbuilding trainees launched the first new paddling canoe this morning (27th July), at the Tuvalu Fisheries jetty at Teone. These canoes are being built for the purpose of replacing canoes destroyed by cyclone Tino in the outer islands, as well as providing some extra canoes for use by communities on each remote island of Tuvalu.

The canoe project targeted building 45 paddling canoes this year. It has been delayed by problems with the delivery of tools and materials due to COVID19, but the team have managed to make some progress with what has been available to them. The first new paddling was launched today and four more are nearly ready.

When these first five have been completed, the team will then switch to making fibreglass boats, and fibreglass fish driers while waiting for more canoe materials to be delivered. They will then complete the other 40 canoes quite quickly.

Mike Batty, Fisheries Adviser said, “The canoe project is making progress, despite problems with the delivery of materials to Tuvalu. TFD is building capacity to make boats of different designs and from different materials here in Tuvalu. This creates jobs, helps keep money in the local economy, and provides high-quality boats that can be made and repaired locally”.

The canoes are made from modern materials (plywood and epoxy glues and resins) so they are lighter than traditional canoes as well as lasting longer, and there is no need to cut down trees.

Closed: Request for Quotations: Consultancy to provide financial advice to the FOFA Fish Market

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the FAO Fish FAD Project, is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced national consultants to provide advice and mentoring to staff at the FOFA Fish Market in Funafuti in financial management.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be downloaded here at TOR – FOFA Financial Advice

Timing and delivery

This is a part-time consultancy. It is expected that inputs of around 30 working days will be provided over the next 4 months or so. The suggested inputs are as follows: Week 1 – 5 days; Weeks 2 to 11 – 2 days per week; Weeks 12 to 17 – 1 day per week; all spent working at the FOFA market.

The consultancy will start as soon as possible after this selection process, and consultants should confirm their availability.

Requirements (qualifications and experience)

Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria by the senior management committee of the TFD:

· Relevant qualifications in book-keeping, accounting or business management;

· Good knowledge of stock control, preferably with perishable products, and how to price food products made locally;

· Experience in successfully running a small business;

· Value for money (fee rate).

Submission of proposals

Interested consultants should submit the following information in support of their proposal:

a) Confirmation of the dates on which they will be available;

b) A brief curriculum vitae of the consultant or consultants with examples of their work that show their suitability for the assignment;

c) A cost estimate providing fees (daily rate and total). A daily fee contract in Australian Dollars, with payment monthly, is preferred.

Proposals should be delivered by hand to the Fisheries Department or sent by email to and should reach him by 5.00 p.m. local time (in Tuvalu) on Friday 18th June 2021. Any questions on the proposed consultancy can be sent to the same email address and will be answered within 3 working days.

This request for proposals should not be construed as an offer to any consultant contacted. TFD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to negotiate with any bidder if the original proposal is not acceptable.


The Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade hereby announces that we are recruiting 6 crew to work and to operate the New Manaui II.

The 6 crew are as follows:

1. 1x- Captain at Level -4

2. 1x- Engineer at Level- 5

3. 1x- Mate at Level- 5

4. 1x-Assistant Engineer at Level -6

5. 1x- Bosun at Level 6

6. 1x- Crew (Cook) at Level 7

Further details and task description for the above vacancies please click on the above list of crews to download it.

These positions will be on contract basis for 6 months with the possibility to extend based on the satisfaction of their performances during the contract period.

Interested applicants should submit the following:

· Application Letter

· Certified copies of relevant qualifications and certificates

· Curriculum Vitae –CV

Application should be addressed to:

· Mr Falasese Tupau

· Acting Permanent Secretary –Ministry of Fisheries and Trade

And to be submitted to the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade- Headquarter –HQ – First Floor, North Wing, Government Building, Vaiaku, Funafuti. No later than 4:30 PM Tuesday, 4th of May, 2021.

For further inquiries please call 20-160 or email, The Terms of References are also available in the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade – HQ.

Vacancy Advertisement: 7 Community Fisheries Officers

The TFSP2 project under the Tuvalu Fisheries Department is recruiting seven Community Fisheries Officers – one to work in each of the islands of Nanumea, Nanumaga, Niutao, Nui, Vaitupu, Nukufetau and Nukulaelae. If you are a Form six leaver with good grades in Maths and English, or you have completed training as a seaman at Amatuku, and you want to work in Fisheries in your home island, we would like to hear from you. We are looking for people who are keen to help manage and develop fisheries in their communities. You should be physically fit, keen on fishing and diving and with good practical skills.

These are contract positions for up to 3 years but may continue after that time subject to Government funding. The pay is based on Level 8/7 in the Government scale with a starting salary of $10,482 per year. Successful applicants will receive a 10-week training programme at TMTI and Fisheries before starting work, as well as further short in-service courses.

Click on the link provided here at to download the full job description,  or pick up a hard copy at the Reception at our office in Teone. Application letters should be sent by email to or you can deliver a hard copy to the Fisheries office. Applications close on 21st May.

Ministry of Fisheries & Trade officially turn over RV Tala Moana to the Ministry of Transport, Energy & Tourism

IMG_0036Acting Minister of Fisheries and Trade, Hon. Ampelosa Tehulu and the Minister of Transport, Energy and Tourism, Hon. Nielu Meisake officially marked the handing over of the Research Vessel (RV) Tala Moana to be managed by the Ministry of Transport, Energy and Tourism at10am today at the Fisheries Office at Teone.

The official turning over of the RV Tala Moana program started off with a blessing prayer from Reverend Alefaio Honolulu then followed with speeches from Hon. Nielu Meisake, the Director of Fisheries, Samasoni Finikaso, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Ministry of Transport, Energy and Tourism Mr Avafoa Irata and Acting CEO for the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade, Mr Falasese Tupau.

The program ended with the official signing of the handover note for the RV Tala Moana by both Ministers and refreshments afterwards.

The RV Tala Moana became the second vessel to managed by the Fisheries Department after its arrival within the country late in 2015. RV Tala Moana was a second-hand boat purchased under the NAPA 2 Project, intended to transport people and materials to the outer islands in line with the NAPA 2 priorities in the project document. These priorities included fishery resource assessment and management, disaster risk management and governance. The RV Tala Moana is a 32-meter steel vessel, was procured by UNDP using GEF funds allocated to Tuvalu to support the operations of NAPA 2 and Ridge-to-Reef (R2R) projects in which the Department is heavily involved.

The Tala Moana was managed successfully by the Fisheries Department for five years, with no recurrent budget provided by Government. Instead, the vessel covered operating costs by charging charter fees to projects and other Government departments. The vessel has made over a hundred trips to the outer islands, as well as undertaking Fisheries Patrols.

The Director of Fisheries, Mr Finikaso in his speech thanked the government of Tuvalu for their assistance and arrangement to transfer RV Tala Moana to the Marine Department. He also explained the history of RV Tala Moana since its purchase by the NAPA 2 project in late 2015.

“I would really like to extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade for agreeing with the idea to transfer RV Tala Moana to be managed by our Ministry. We’ll continue our utmost to upgrade our service with the long-term management of the RV Tala Moana”, Hon. Nielu Meisake said.

Starting from today the RV Tala Moana is now officially under the control and management of the Marine Department.

Closed: Application for PNAO Policy Manager

The PNA Office (PNAO) is a Majuro, Marshall Islands-based agency responsible for the administration of the Vessel Days Scheme (VDS) for purse seine and longline fishing in the oceanic waters of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement and Tokelau. The Nauru Agreement is an agreement between eight Pacific island countries (Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu) to cooperate in the management of their tuna fishery. Tokelau is an observer to the Nauru Agreement and a Party to the Palau Arrangement that implements the VDS. The PNAO enjoys a diplomatic status in the Marshall Islands.

The PNAO is a small team of Pacific Island nationals from different countries with a culture rooted in the Pacific way of tolerance and regional interconnectedness – a way of doing things that is different to the way things are done in the west and in Asia.

Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the position ensures effective and efficient support in the development and implementation of fisheries management policies to support both sustainability of fisheries resources and the Parties’ economic growth objectives.

Key Responsibilities:

· Provide day to day strategic and technical advice on fisheries-related policy issues to the Parties, CEO, PNAO staff, customers, and other stakeholders

· Contribute to policy discussions with analytical and innovative thinking that takes into account all available information on the resource, the economics of the Parties fisheries, and best practice fishery management

· l Prepare and present as required, papers for technical meetings including the VDS Committee, Scientific Committee, Technical and Compliance Committee, PNA, Palau Arrangement, FSMA, and US Treaty

· Support Parties on policy matters at meetings and in access negotiations

· Provide support for PNAO, CEO and staff in accordance with the PNAO Business Plan

· Liaise with industry and other stakeholders on relevant technical and policy issues

· Undertake delegated functions of CEO as requested

· Support the development and implementation of PNA office policies

· Support the development, review and monitoring of the PNA Strategic Plan, and the PNAO Business Plan and Annual Budget

· As a senior member of the PNAO team, provide leadership and mentoring to other staff

· Represent the PNA office and region internationally at conferences and forums

· Provide technical support and training for Party approved activities


· Degree in fisheries with relevant postgraduate qualification would be highly regarded

· Minimum 5 years relevant managerial level experience

· Proven hands-on experience in relevant fisheries management policy development and implementation

· Working knowledge of government systems and agencies

· Comprehensive understanding of the applicable fishing industry, gear and other technology in the sector including current and developing fishing operations

· Excellent understanding of fishery governance including the regulatory frameworks and management measures of the tuna fishery

· Sound understanding of commerce and trade relevant to the sector

· Good computer skills in Microsoft Office, and sector-related applications

· Demonstrated commitment to ethical business practices, fraud prevention, and a workplace free from harassment and discrimination with strong integrity, leadership, commitment to service, transparency, excellence and professionalism.

The successful applicant will be based in Majuro, Marshall Islands and will be offered a three-year contract and an attractive benefits package including tax-free base salary, superannuation, relocation, travel, accommodation and education allowances.

Eligibility for appointment to this position is in accordance with the attached PNA recruitment policy which offers preference to the eight PNA countries and Tokelau.


Please visit the PNAO website: Follow the website instructions and forward the completed application form to Vanguard International highlighting your capabilities and experiences against the position essential requirements and an updated CV.

Alternatively, you can call the PNAO Office on (+675) 7500 7500 or email

Applications close COB Friday 05th March 2021

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.