The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

This consulting service (“the Services”) requires the reviewing, developing and introducing fisheries legislation for the conservation and management of the Funafuti lagoon particularly the Funafuti Conservation Area through or in line with the Funafuti Reef Stewardship Plan.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at this link: TOR Legal Consultant

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to express interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with a description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, official copies of certificates and transcripts etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the nominated individual experience and qualifications will be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:

  • Related Qualifications and Experience
  • Relevant or related experiences
  • Skills and Abilities

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition)

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V of the Consultant Guidelines. Firms expressing interest and proposing the name of an individual for the assignment should take note of paragraph 5.5 of the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained at PROP Office, Alapi, Funafuti, Tuvalu, OR email /   during office hours from 0900 to 1600 hours.

All expressions of interest must be addressed to the Director of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries & Trade, Funafuti, Tuvalu and be delivered by e-mail to /   no later than February 25, 2021.

CLOSED: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Consulting services to review, evaluate and write the Implementation Completion and Results Reports of Tuvalu – PROP

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

This consulting service (“the Services”) requires the consultant to review and evaluate the performance and achievement of the Tuvalu PROP project. Assess the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of methods and mechanisms adopted for implementing the project; analyze and assess whether the use of funds matches progress, efficacy, quality, and timeliness of procurement and disbursement activities and others. Findings would be documented and write the Implementation Completion and Results Report for the World Bank.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at this link: TOR – ICR_Final (WB)-29102021

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to express interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (attach curriculum vitae with a description of experience in similar assignments, similar conditions, official copies of certificates and transcripts etc.). Firms’ staff may express interest through the employing firm for the assignment and, under such situation, only the nominated individual experience and qualifications will be considered in the selection process. The criteria for selecting the Consultant are:

  • Related Qualifications and Experience
  • Relevant or related experiences
  • Skills and Abilities

The attention of interested Consultants (including firms) is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011 edition)

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V of the Consultant Guidelines. Firms expressing interest and proposing the name of an individual for the assignment should take note of paragraph 5.5 of the Consultant Guidelines.

Further information can be obtained at the PROP Office, Alapi, Funafuti OR you can email / during office hours from 0900 to 1600 hours.

All expressions of interest must be addressed to the Director of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries & Trade, Alapi, Funafuti, Tuvalu and be delivered by e-mail to / email address no later than February 25, 2021.

Guidelines to get a Tuvalu Fishing Permit

Below are the steps and guidelines on how to apply and get a Tuvalu Fishing Permit.

  1. Company contact Tuvalu Fisheries Department, requesting Fishing Permit;
  2. Negotiation between Fisheries Official on behalf of the Government of Tuvalu with Company official;
  3. Signing of Access Agreement between the 2 parties Fisheries official and Fishing Company;
  4. Company official contact Tuvalu Fisheries Department through Licensing officer (via email);
  5. Licensing officer instruct Fishing Company on how to lodge application online to PNA FIMS;
  6. Licensing officer send invoice to Fishing Company;
  7. License certificate is delivered once payment is remit by Fishing Company;
  8. License certificate is signed by Director of Fisheries and stamped office seal;
  9. License scan copy can be email to Company, while the original copy can be sent through DHL by company’s local agent, if requested.

The cycle shows how to get a Tuvalu Fishing Permit

Closed: Request for Quotations – Ice Machines: Supply of seven (7) flake ice machines for Tuvalu’s outer islands

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) is seeking quotations for the supply of 7 small flake ice machines for installation in Community Fisheries Centres in the outer islands of Tuvalu.


We require a flake ice machine that can produce 350-500 kgs of ice per 24 hours under ambient conditions of water temperature 25C; and ambient temperature 35C. This should be a robust machine, designed for trouble-free operation in a harsh and very corrosive climate. Single-phase power (220v) is preferred and should be protected against power cuts and voltage fluctuation. This should be a self-contained unit that can just be plugged in and connected to a water supply to start operation. It should be provided with a suitable insulated ice storage bin with a capacity of 300-500 kgs of ice.

The quotation should include shipping and insurance for delivery to Funafuti port.

Submission of proposals

Interested bidders should submit the following information in support of their proposal on the attached forms:

  • A technical specification and any brochures of the machinery they propose to supply;
  • A price quotation, preferably in Australian dollars (AUD).

Proposals should be sent by email to the Fisheries Department Office by 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday 10th November 2021, to the TFD procurement officer at and copied to 

This request for proposals should not be construed as an offer to any company contacted. TFD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to negotiate with any bidder if the original proposal is not acceptable.

Application for a Consultant to work with FFA to reform the National Fishing Corporation of Tuvalu (NAFICOT) – Phase III

The proposition is looked for from reasonably qualified and experienced Experts to undertake the proceeded change handle of the NAFICOT.

Please click on the provided link here at Signed_CP04_2122 NAFICOT to view full details of the Terms and references, instructions to bidders and as well as FFA Standard Conditions of Contract for this proposal.


LN 5.20 Coronavirus Protection Measures 2020

LN 6.20 SOE Regulation The Management & Minimisation of the impact of coronavirus Regulation 2020

LN 7.20 Designation Order (Chairmanship)

LN 8.20 Rationing of Basic Food Commodities Order

LN 9.20 Designation of Quarantine Areas Order

LN 10.20 Grant Exemptions to essential Public Service

LN 11.20 – Order Designate (2)

LN 12.20 Directive for the National Covid taskforce 20 (1)

LN 14.20 Temporary Conditions Order 2020 (1)


Induction and signing of the contracts of the newly recruited CFOs and 10 officers awarded Sea Safety Train the Trainer Certificates

New CFO’s for outer island communities

The Tuvalu Fisheries Director together with senior Fisheries staff, witnessed the signing of the contracts of five newly recruited Community Fisheries Officers (CFOs) as well as the awarding of Sea Safety Train the Trainer Certificates for the 10 participants, at the Fisheries office this morning at 10 am.

There are 7 new CFO’s and while five have signed their contracts today, the other two will sign later in the week when they arrive from their home islands.

At the same time, the Director of Fisheries presented the 10 officers with their certificates of participation in the Sea Safety Train the Trainer Training. This online training was arranged by FAO for participants from Fisheries, TMTI and other agencies involved in small boat safety.

The Director of Fisheries, Samasoni Finikaso said, “A big thank you to New Zealand and the TFSP for providing financial assistance and backing this plan to have a CFO in each of the outer islands. The TFD is confident that these newly recruited officers will be a benefit to each of their respective islands to improve the development and management of outer islands fisheries”.

This week will involve some team building for the CFOs, and preparing materials and equipment to be shipped to the outer islands. The next two weeks of training will be conducted at Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute TMTI, followed by four weeks of briefings in the TFD office; and then three weeks of practical training in FADs and FAD fishing, fish processing and fisheries data collection.

The Program ended with refreshments prepared by the Fisheries Social Committee.

Closed: Application for Nukulaelae Data Collector for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is inviting suitably qualified Tuvalu citizens of a minimum age of 18 years to fill the vacant position of Outer Island Data Collectors (OIDCs) for the island of NUKULAELAE.

Applicants must be physically and mentally fit and should be permanent residents of the island of Nukulaelae, as the selection will be island-based. The objective of the recruitment is to create a team of data collectors to collect information on fishing activities and catches on the islands of Tuvalu on behalf of the Fisheries Department.

Scope of Work

Each data collector will be responsible for organising his/her time to interview fishermen, collect data and properly measure and weigh all fishes caught and landed by fishermen in sample landings. All data collected will be transmitted to the Tuvalu Fisheries Department by hard copy on each trip of the inter-islands shipping services and where possible electronically.

Data Collectors are under the supervision of the Principal Fisheries Officer (PFO): Coastal Fisheries and Senior Fisheries Officer (SFO): Management (Outer Islands) and their responsibilities will include:

  • Carrying out regular data collections of all fisheries activities being undertaken on the assigned island through meeting fishers as they land their catch, and recording all data required in English or/and Tuvaluan;
  • Undertaking training in Funafuti as may be required by the PFO or SFO;
  • Maintain all equipment and report losses, or breakages immediately with minimal disruptions;
  • Undertake regular self-training using books, electronic or other sources to learn the scientific names of all fished resources, continuously improving personal knowledge as time goes on;
  • Carefully maintaining all data collected, checking them, ensuring they are complete, storing them safely and sending them to Funafuti with each vessel trip to the island;
  • Attending meetings with fishers, the Kaupule, Falekaupule or community held by Coastal staff from Funafuti during their regular metronome trips;
  • Assisting with logistics and surveys being carried out by Coastal Staff during their regular metronome trips;
  • Carrying out any other fisheries-related tasks as may be assigned by the PFO or SFO.

Qualifications & Experience

  • Applicants are required to have reached Form 4 level from a recognized secondary school;
  • The ability and willingness to organise sampling schedules within the work time allocated, and efficiently gather data from fisher’s landing their catches at night or very early morning;
  • Willingness to continuously improve their ability to scientifically identify all fished species and do on-going work;
  • Possess outstanding data collection skills to ensure data are accurate and fully recorded;
  • Good inter-personal communication skills;
  • Good command of written English and the ability to translate Tuvaluan on-the-fly to English for recording responses on the datasheets;
  • Ability to meet deadlines; and,
  • Any kind of tertiary qualification in science, especially biology, previous work-experience in any type of data collection, particularly in a fisheries-related field is an advantage.

Detailed terms of reference of these positions, remuneration package and other relevant information are available for collection at the Coastal Management Unit of the Fisheries Department Office or by sending an email to

All applications are required to be addressed to the Director of Fisheries, Tuvalu Fisheries Department, Teone, Funafuti before 4:00 pm on 17th September 2021 by either hard copy or email to before the closing date and time.

Application Checklist

Please ensure you attach all the following information as your application:

  • Application cover letter outlining your experience and suitability for the post
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) including the following headings:
    • Name, Expertise, Nationality, Address & contacts
    • Qualifications: highest school, certificates and other
    • Languages and level of proficiency (Native, Excellent, Good, Basic)
    • Affiliations if any (e.g. membership to associations, NGOs)
    • Countries of work experience, if any
    • Employment history, including past job and projects
    • Names of 2-3 referees
  • Transcripts of Education, Qualifications, Certificates, etc.

Newly recruited fisheries officers for Outer-island communities.

7 new community fisheries officers have been recruited by the TFD to manage and develop community fisheries in each of Tuvalu’s main outer islands.

The seven new CFOs and the island that will be their work base, are:

Panapa Tofiga – Nanumea

Ielemia Kapua – Nanumaga

Savelio Kaveni – Niutao

Sione Tepaa – Nui

Amoga Fuafanua – Nukufetau

Alama Sione – Vaitupu &,

Isaako Teoli – Nukulaelae.

The 7 new CFO’s will start with a training program of around 10 weeks. Depending on travel arrangements, this will begin on 13th or 20th September through to the end of November this year. The program includes two weeks of training at the Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute TMTI, four weeks of training in the TFD office and three weeks of practical training in FADs and FAD fishing, fish processing and fisheries data collection.

Tuvalu Fisheries Advisor, Michael Batty said that the CFOs are a new initiative to strengthen the outreach of the Fisheries Department and provide a service to fishermen and the community. It also adds to the employment opportunities for young people in the outer islands.

These new positions will be under three-year contracts funded by the Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2, TFSP2 and to be continued after that through government funding if possible.

Fishers on Tuvalu Northern Island boost their understanding of new fishing practices by utilizing new fishing gear

Four TFD staff travelled on the old RV Manaui early this month to conduct new fishing methods training to 20 fishermen on each remote northern island of Tuvalu included, Nanumaga, Nanumea and Niutao in order to further their knowledge on new fishing methods utilizing new fishing gears provided by the Overseas Fisheries Cooperative Foundations OFCF, Japan. These new fishing techniques were developed to adapt local fishers so that they might also specialise in pelagic species instead of fishing and disrupting inshore marine resources.

The training began with the in-class session with tackle handed out to each fisherman as well they were taught on the installation of every gear. The second portion of the training is where fishermen went out to sea on the old RV Manaui from 2 am to 2 pm for a practical on four forms of fishing, includes vertical longliner fishing, squid fishing, electric reel fishing and mid-water trawling utilizing their new fishing gears.

Nelly Seniola, Fisheries Operation & the development Training Officer, stated, “This fishing trip training is a five-yr program. The govt of Tuvalu is working in collaboration with the OFCF project in Japan on the supplying latest fishing gear”.

‘Nukulaelae and Vaitupu were the first islands to place this training into practice,’ he added.

One of the participants of the training, a fisherman from Nanumea commented that he did learn a lot of new things like fitting new fishing gears and therefore the most vital piece is that he can do other sorts of fishing methods rather than just trolling because it was the principal sort of fishing that they used to which is expensive and time consumed.

Training began on Nanumaga Island, followed by Nanumea and finally on Niutao Island. The training was progressively completed in the week along the island of Niutao where TFD personnel have returned safely back to the capital, Funafuti, today Sunday, August 29th.