Advertisement: Vacancies for 3 independent Directors for the Board of the Tuvalu Fisheries Authority

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department is seeking applicants from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to fill three vacancies on the new Fisheries Authority Board from 1st July 2025. The Authority will have eight Board members: the Minister of Fisheries (Chair), the Managing Director, three senior public servants, and three Independent Directors. The Independent Directors may be […]

Tuvalu Secures Boost in Fisheries Revenue with US Treaty Amendments

Tuvalu has officially ratified the amendments to the United States Treaty on Fisheries, marking a significant step in strengthening its economic and fisheries management efforts. The amendments were signed yesterday by Prime Minister Hon. Feleti Teo, reaffirming Tuvalu’s commitment to the Treaty and its partnership with the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). A Strong History of […]

Tuvalu Fisheries on the move to establish the Tuvalu Fisheries Authority

In the last three weeks, six fisheries officers visited each of Tuvalu’s outer islands to speak with the local populations about the proposed Tuvalu Fisheries Authority Bill, which would govern the management and future development of the marine resources in our nation. The Manaui II, a department research vessel, carried the six-person team. The open […]

20 Participants received certificates in tuna processing and sea safety training

Twenty people, including men and women, received training on tuna processing and sea safety over the course of the last two weeks at Teone. The aim of the tuna processing training was to minimize waste fish by using all the offcuts, etc., to make delicious products. This was hosted by NAFICOT and used their facilities. […]

Request for Quotations: Condition survey and maintenance plan for Fisheries vessels

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD), implementing the New Zealand-funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP2), is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to advise on the condition and maintenance of two small GRP vessels operated by the Department. Details for the Terms of Reference for technical assistance can be downloaded here, Terms […]

Vacancy Announcement: Manaui II Assistant Engineer

The Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Fisheries and Trade is looking for a suitably qualified applicant to fill the position of Assistant Engineer on the Manaui II. The department is hereby announcing that the position of Assistant Engineer is now open for applications from all eligible citizens. The position is entitled to an […]

New M2 radar scanner equipment has been set up for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department installed its new M2 radar scanner equipment at the TFD office on the 18th of March 2022 to monitor the accessibility of the public on Funafuti island to the transhipment area. The M2 Radar scanner equipment was set up along the ridge cap of the TFD office with the only intent […]

Capacity development on Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) for the Lofeagai community

The Lofeagai community developed their understanding of Artisanal FADs and their importance, facilitated by officers of the Departments of Fisheries and Meteorology, yesterday evening 22 February 2022, at the Lofeagai Community Hall. 3 officers conducted the workshop. Pafini Fepuali Fisheries Operation & Development officer presented what is a FAD and its importance. Nelly Seniola Senior […]


The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. This consulting service (“the Services”) requires the reviewing, developing and introducing fisheries legislation for the conservation and management of the Funafuti lagoon […]


LN 5.20 Coronavirus Protection Measures 2020 LN 6.20 SOE Regulation – The Management & Minimisation of the impact of coronavirus Regulation 2020 LN 7.20 Designation Order (Chairmanship) LN 8.20 Rationing of Basic Food Commodities Order LN 9.20 Designation of Quarantine Areas Order LN 10.20 Grant Exemptions to essential Public Service LN 11.20 – Order Designate […]