TFD Donated canoes for Fetuvalu High School, a fiber glass boat and motor engine for FOFA

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department handed over 4 canoes to Fetuvalu High School and 1 fiberglass boat with 40 hp outboard motor to FOFA on Wednesday the 16th of November 2022. The Director of Fisheries, Samasoni Finikaso signed off a handover form confirmation of donations with the two recipients, FOFA CEO, Ioapo Tapu and Fetuvalu High […]

Governance Committee meeting to review progress with the Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 Project (TFSP2)

The New Zealand funded Tuvalu Fisheries Support Programme Phase 2 (TFSP2), which started in January 2021, recently held its third six-monthly Governance Committee meeting to review the project’s progress. The meeting, between senior officials of the Tuvalu Ministry of Fisheries and Trade and New Zealand’s MFAT, was held by video conference on 10th June. The […]

Fisheries launch first locally made fiber glass boat

Fisheries and Trade officers gathered yesterday at noon to launch its first locally made fibreglass boat. The program started with speeches from the Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Fisheries and Trade, Hon. Minute Taupo and Fisheries Advisor, Mike Batty.  The program continued with a prayer to bless the boat by Rev. Honolulu and followed […]

New M2 radar scanner equipment has been set up for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department installed its new M2 radar scanner equipment at the TFD office on the 18th of March 2022 to monitor the accessibility of the public on Funafuti island to the transhipment area. The M2 Radar scanner equipment was set up along the ridge cap of the TFD office with the only intent […]

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST – Extended: Consulting services to supervise of Tuvalu Fisheries Infrastructure projects

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. This consulting services (“the Services”) requires the consultant to supervise and administer construction works and construction contractors for TFD new infrastructure at […]

Guidelines to get a Tuvalu Fishing Permit

Below are the steps and guidelines on how to apply and get a Tuvalu Fishing Permit. Company contact Tuvalu Fisheries Department, requesting Fishing Permit; Negotiation between Fisheries Official on behalf of the Government of Tuvalu with Company official; Signing of Access Agreement between the 2 parties Fisheries official and Fishing Company; Company official contact Tuvalu […]

Closed: Request for Quotations – Ice Machines: Supply of seven (7) flake ice machines for Tuvalu’s outer islands

The Tuvalu Fisheries Department (TFD) is seeking quotations for the supply of 7 small flake ice machines for installation in Community Fisheries Centres in the outer islands of Tuvalu. Specifications: We require a flake ice machine that can produce 350-500 kgs of ice per 24 hours under ambient conditions of water temperature 25○C; and ambient […]

Application for a Consultant to work with FFA to reform the National Fishing Corporation of Tuvalu (NAFICOT) – Phase III

The proposition is looked for from reasonably qualified and experienced Experts to undertake the proceeded change handle of the NAFICOT. Please click on the provided link here at Signed_CP04_2122 NAFICOT to view full details of the Terms and references, instructions to bidders and as well as FFA Standard Conditions of Contract for this proposal.


LN 5.20 Coronavirus Protection Measures 2020 LN 6.20 SOE Regulation – The Management & Minimisation of the impact of coronavirus Regulation 2020 LN 7.20 Designation Order (Chairmanship) LN 8.20 Rationing of Basic Food Commodities Order LN 9.20 Designation of Quarantine Areas Order LN 10.20 Grant Exemptions to essential Public Service LN 11.20 – Order Designate […]

Induction and signing of the contracts of the newly recruited CFOs and 10 officers awarded Sea Safety Train the Trainer Certificates

The Tuvalu Fisheries Director together with senior Fisheries staff, witnessed the signing of the contracts of five newly recruited Community Fisheries Officers (CFOs) as well as the awarding of Sea Safety Train the Trainer Certificates for the 10 participants, at the Fisheries office this morning at 10 am. There are 7 new CFO’s and while […]